Wei Ye
[发布时间]: 2017-08-17[阅读次数]: 1644

Name:        Wei Ye
Born:          1985-04-05 
Title:           Assistant Professor
Interests:    Indoor air quality and ventilation
Address:     404 Jiyang Hall, 1239 Siping Rd, Shanghai 200092

Research Networks:

Google Scholarhttp://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=I73SyVQAAAAJ


[1] 2010.03 – 2014.12: Ph.D., HVAC Engineering, Tongji University (Advisor: Prof. Xu Zhang)

[2] 2012.09 – 2013.12: Visiting scholar, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech (Advisor: Prof. John C. Little)

[3] 2008.09 – 2010.03: M.E. (successive master-doctor program), HVAC Engineering, Tongji University (Advisor: Prof. Xu Zhang / Enze Zhang, Senior Engineer)

[4] 2004.09 – 2008.06: B.E., HVAC Engineering, Donghua University (Advisor: Prof. Henggen Shen)


Work Experiences: 

[1] 2017.12 – now:       Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University

[2] 2014.12 – 2017.12: Post-doc, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University

[3] 2016.01 – 2016.01: Visiting Post-doc, Energy and Process Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway


Selected Social Activities: 

[1] 2017.02 – 2018.06: Member, The combined International Scientific Committee of Roomvent & Ventilation 2018

[2] 2017.07 – 2019.06: Secretary of Youth Committee, Indoor Environment and Health Branch, Chinese Society of Environmental Science

[3] 2016.06 – 2020.06: Member of Youth Committee, Indoor Environment and Health Branch, Chinese Society of Environmental Science

[4] 2012.07 – 2016.07: Member, International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ)

[5] 2014.12 – 2015.10: Executive  secretary, Ventilation 2015 (an academic conference)

[6] 2010.02 – 2011.11: Secretariat staff, ISHVAC 2011 (an academic conference)

[7] 2010.02 – 2010.02: Secretariat staff, YSRIM 2010 (an academic conference)


Selected Hornors and Awards: 

[1] 11/2017 Best Paper (18 in total) at 2017 National Biennial Meeting on Ventilation

[2] 11/2015 Best Doctoral Dissertation (41 in total in 2015), Tongji University

[3] 08/2015 Best Paper at 2015 National Biennial Meeting on Ventilation

[4] 12/2014 Vanguard Scholar (Post-graduate Student) of Tongji University

[5] 10/2014 National Scholarship for Ph.D. student

[6] 09/2014 Best Student Paper at IEHB 2014

Projects (As a PI/Co-PI): 

[1] National Nature Science Foundation of China: Modular and adjustable ventilation using induced jet fans for indoor environment of multi-purpose large spaces. Grant No. 51878463, 2019.01.01-2022.12.31, 600,000 CNY.

[2] National Nature Science Foundation of China: A rapid method to determine ventilation rate for offices and residences based on building material VOC emissions and ozone-initiated reactions. Grant No. 21507102, 2016.01.01-2018.12.31, 234,000 CNY.

[3] China National Key R&D Program during the 13th Five-year Plan Period: Emission source control and design technology on indoor air quality. Grant No. 2017YFC0702706, 2017.07.01-2020.06.31, 530,000 CNY.

[4] China National Key R&D Program during the 13th Five-year Plan Period: Fundamentals on ventilation rate requirements for near-zero energy buildings. Grant No. 2017YFC0702601, 2017.07.01-2020.12.31, 320,000 CNY.

[5] The Research Council of Norway: Specialist exchange with China (INT-BILAT) project: Ventilation and airflow pattern effects on VOC distributions in indoor environment. Project number: 249136/H30. 2016.01.08-2016.01.28, 42,000 NOK.

[6] China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: Ventilation rate requirement and demand control strategy for NZEBs while incorporating human behavior. Grant No. 2017T100310, 2017.07.01-2018.06.31, 150,000 CNY.

[7] China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: Using rapid estimates of building material VOC emissions to determine ventilation rate for offices and residences while incorporating ozone-initiated reactions. Grant No. 2015M570386, 2015.06.01-2016.12.31, 80,000 CNY.

Projects (Participated in, since Post-doc):

[1] National Nature Science Foundation of China: Design method reconstruction on large-scale ground source heat pump system based on the threshold of soil heat capacity of operation stage. Grant No. 51678418, 2017.01.01-2020.12.31, 620,000 CNY.

[2] National Defense Research Project: Experimental and CFD study on the thermal environment for a long and narrow space, 2016.06.01-2017.03.31, 1,750,000 CNY.

[3] National Nature Science Foundation of China: Early warning and source identification of poisonous gas dispersion through the centralized air-conditioing system in buildings. Grant No. 51278370, 2013.01.01-2016.12.31, 750,000 CNY.

[4] State-owned Business Commissioned Research Project: CFD study on the ventilation strategies for an underground parking space for metro trains, 2015.01.01-2015.12.31, 120,000 CNY.

[5] National Defense Research Project: Measurements on the thermal environment and spray cooling system for a long and narrow space, 2014.03.01-2015.06.31, 380,000 CNY.

[6] National Major Project of Scientific and Technical Supporting Programs of China during the 12th Five-Year Plan Period: Key technologies researching and demonstrating of low-exergy energy use in rural buildings, Grant No. 2011BAJ08B09, 2011.1-2014.12, 6,380,000 CNY.


A. Book

[1] Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu. A preliminary ventilation rate study based on volatile organic compound concentrations emitted from building materials. Tongji University, Shanghai, 2017. ISBN: 978-7-5608-7002-1.

B. Peer-reviewed Journal Papers

[1] Cai, Jian; Ye, Wei; Tu, Shuyang; Tian, Shaochen; Zhang, Xu*. Experimental investigation on thermal protection of high temperature and high velocity jet impinging a cross-shaped plate. Heat Transfer Engineering. 2019; 41(9-10): XXX-XXX. Accepted.

[2] Wang, Hao; Ye, Wei*; Gao, Jun; Zhang, Xu. Pollutants characteristics analysis and occupant chronical health effects evaluation based an indoor air pollutant database for public buildings in China. Building Science. 2019; 35(2), Accepted. In Chinese.

[3] Wang, Hao; Ye, Wei; Gao, Jun*; Zhang, Xu. Compiling a Database for Indoor Pollutant and Evaluating Students' Health Effects for Schools and Universities in China. Building Energy & Environment. 2018; Accepted. In Chinese.

[4] Candido, Christhina; Thomas, Leena; Haddad, Shamila*, Zhang, Fan; Mackey, Martin; Ye, Wei. Designing activity-based workspaces: satisfaction, productivity and physical activity. Building Research & Information. 2019; 47(3): 275-289. (https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2018.1476372)

[5] Zhang, Qianru; Zhang, Xu*; Ye, Wei; Liu, Li; Nielsen, Peter V. Experimental study of dense gas contaminant transport characteristics in a large space chamber. Building and Environment. 2018; 138: 98-105. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2018.04.020)

[6] Gao, Jun*; Zeng, Lingjie; Cao, Changsheng; Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu; Multi-objective optimization for sensor placement against suddenly released contaminant in air-duct system. Building Simulation. 2018; 11(1): 139-153. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12273-017-0374-z)

[7] Xie, Yuliang; Zhang, Xu*; Ye, Wei; Tai, Yanhuan. Impedance simulation and experimental analysis of exhaust system in long and narrow space. Building Energy & Environment. 2018; 37(1): 35-39. In Chinese. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-0344.2018.01.008)

[8] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Qianru; Xie, Yuliang; Cai, Jian; Zhang, Xu. Spray cooling for high temperature of exhaust gas using a nozzle array in a confined space: Analytical and empirical predictions on cooling capacity. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2017; 127: 889-900. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.08.097)

[9] Tu, Shuyang; Zhang, Xu*; Ye, Wei; Thermal diffusion characteristics and insulation strategy for a plate under double-sided convection. Building Energy & Environment. 2017, 36(12). 5-8+73. In Chinese. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-0344.2017.12.002)

[10] Cai, Jian; Ye, Wei; Tu, Shuyang; Tian, Shaochen; Zhang, Xu*. Experimental investigation on thermal protection of high-temperature jet impinging a cross-shaped plate. Procedia Engineering. 2017; 205: 3838-3845. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2017.10.076)

[11] Zhang, Chengquan; Gao, Jun*; Zeng, Lingjie; Ye, Wei. Filtering load of outdoor PM2.5 for buildings based on the concept of filtering concentration days. Journal of Tongji University (natural science). 2017; 45(9): 1345-1351. In Chinese. (http://dx.doi.org/10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2017.09.013)

[12] Chang, Le; Tu, Shuyang; Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu*; Dynamic simulation of contaminant inleakage produced by human walking into control room. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2017; 113: 1179–1188. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2017.06.040)

[13] Zhang, Xu*; Taipale, Aimo; Li, Xianting; Cao, Guangyu; Gao, Jun; Ye, Wei*. Celebrating 30 years of conference series on industrial ventilation-health, comfort and efficiency (editorial). International Journal of Ventilation. 2017; 16(3): 161-162. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14733315.2017.1299512)

[14] Sun, Yongqiang*; Zhang, Yuming; Ye, Wei. Simulation and study on different ventilation modes for closed underground railway vehicle service workshop. Journal of HV&AC. 2017; 47(5): 42-47. In Chinese.

[15] Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu*; Gao, Jun; Cao, Guangyu; Zhou, Xiang; Su, Xing. Indoor air pollutants, ventilation rate determinants and potential control strategies in Chinese dwellings: A literature review. Science of the Total Environment. 2017; 586: 696-729. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.02.047)

[16] Ye, Wei; Gao, Jun; Zhang, Xu*; Yu, Chuck Wah. Studies of relationship between ventilation, pollution exposure and environmental health of buildings (editorial). Indoor and Built Environment. 2017; 26(2): 147-151. 

[17] Ye, Wei*; Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu; A practical method and its applications to prioritize volatile organic compounds emitted from building materials based on ventilation rate requirements and ozone-initiated reactions. Indoor and Built Environment. 2017; 26(2): 166-184.

[18] Wang, Shengji; Zhang, Xu*; Ye, Wei; Numerical simulation of using inducing fan to eliminate potential ventilation dead corners with different hazardous gas emissions. Building Energy & Environment. 2016; 35(12): 8-11. In Chinese.

[19] Ye, Wei*; Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu; Examining the applicability of empirical models using short-term VOC emissions data from building materials to predict long-term emissions. Building Simulation. 2016; 9(6): 701-715. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12273-016-0302-7)

[20] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu. The effects of indoor airflow patterns on volatile organic compound concentration distributions and the corresponding ventilation requirements. Building Technique Development (Proceedings of 20th Biennial Meeting of China's HVAC&R 2016); 2016; SI(275-280). In Chinese.

[21] Wang, Shengji*; Zhang, Xu; Ye, Wei; Numerical simulation of using inducing fan to eliminate potential ventilation dead corners of hazardous gas. Architecture Technology. 2016; 47(12): 14-16. In Chinese. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-4726.2016.z1.005

[22] Tai, Yanhuan; Zhang, Xu*; Ye, Wei; Zhu, Jianzhang; Zhang, Yajing; Sun, Yongqiang. Study on different ventilation systems of a subway service workshop in Shanghai. Building Energy & Environment. 2016; 35(3): 82-85+59. In Chinese. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-0344.2016.03.022)

[23] Ye, Wei*; Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu; A simple VOC prioritization method to determine ventilation rate for indoor environment based on building material emissions. Procedia Engineering. 2015; 121: 1697-1704. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2015.09.122)

[24] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu; Advance time for HVAC system operation based on pollution distribution emitted from building materials. Journal of HV&AC. 2015; 45(8): 92-97. In Chinese. 

[25] Shan, Meiqun; Zhang, Xu*; Ye, Wei; Simulation on natural ventilation for an underground tunnel with top openings. Building Energy & Environment. 2014; 33(6): 51-54. In Chinese. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-0344.2014.06.013)

[26] Ye, Wei*; Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu; Practical approaches to determine ventilation rate for offices while considering physical and chemical variables of building material emissions. Building and Environment. 2014; 82: 490-501. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.09.017)

[27] Ye, Wei; Cox, Steven S.; Zhao, Xiaomin; Frazier, Charles E.; Little, John C.*; Partially- irreversible sorption of formaldehyde in five polymers. Atmospheric Environment. 2014; 99: 288-297. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.09.078)

[28] Ye, Wei*; Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu; A preliminary ventilation rate determination methods study for residential buildings and offices based on VOC emission database. Building and Environment. 2014; 79: 168-180. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.05.009)

[29] Ye, Wei*; Little, John C.; Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu; Screening-level estimates of indoor exposure to volatile organic compounds emitted from building materials. Building and Environment. 2014; 75: 58-66. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.01.018)

[30] Liu, Zhe; Howard-Reed, Cynthia; Cox, Steven S.; Ye, Wei; Little, John C.*; Diffusion-controlled reference material for VOC emissions testing: effect of temperature and humidity. Indoor Air. 2014; 24(3): 283-291. 

[31] Liu, Zhe; Ye, Wei; Little, John C.*; Predicting emissions of volatile and semivolatile organic compounds from building materials: A review. Building and Environment. 2013; 64: 7-25. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2013.02.012)

[32] Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu*; Predicting permissible CO concentration limit for longitudinal ventilation tunnels in normal operation. Journal of Tongji University (natural science). 2013; 41(6): 882-888. In Chinese. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2013.06.013)

[33] Huang, Xiaoqing; Zhang, Xu*; Ye, Wei; Experimental study on cooling effect of different nozzle combination. Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica. 2013; 34(8): 1373-1379. In Chinese. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0254-0096.2013.08.012)

[34] Tian, Zhen*; Zhang, Xu; Huang, Xiaoqing; Ye, Wei; Experimental study of pressure-flow characteristics and spray cooling effect of water mist nozzles under ventilation. Building Energy & Environment. 2013; 32(1): 1-4. In Chinese. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-0344.2013.01.001)

[35] Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu*; Predicting permissible CO concentration limit for transverse ventilation tunnels under normal case. Journal of Tongji University (natural science). 2012; 40(10): 1536-1541. In Chinese. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.10.018)

[36] Huang, Xiaoqing; Zhang, Xu*; Ye, Wei; Experimental study on the cooling characteristic of pressure - type spiral nozzle. Journal of Tongji University (natural science). 2012; 40(8): 1265-1269. In Chinese. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.08.025)

[37] Zhang, Changlin*; Zhang, Xu; Ye, Wei; Study of the way for tunnel-whirly ventilation. Building Energy & Environment. 2011; 30(5): 98-100. In Chinese. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-0344.2011.05.026)

[38] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu; Wang, Jun; The mass transfer model and economic analysis for removing water accumulation on pavement in tunnel. Chinese Journal of Underground Space and Engineering. 2011; 7(4): 770-775. In Chinese. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1673-0836.2011.04.027)

[39] Huang, Xiaoqing*; Zhang, Xu; Ye, Wei; Experimental study on the flow characteristic and cooling effect of impingement-type nozzle. Fluid Machinery. 2011; 39(12): 54-56, 37. In Chinese. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1005-0329.2011.12.012)

[40] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu; Discussion on CO concentration threshold in tunnels based on an altered CFK equation. Railway Standard Design. 2010; S2: 51-56. In Chinese. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1004-2954.2010.z2.016)

[41] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu; Wang, Songqing; Sun, Shengnan; Wang, Jun; An energy efficiency control strategy research for chillers with various COP curves in summer. Refrigeration Technology. 2009; 29(1): 25-29. In Chinese.

C. Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings

[1] Cai, Jian; Ye, Wei; Zhao, Wenxuan; Tu, Shuyang; Zhang, Xu*. Experimental study and feasibility analysis on thermal insulation for an impinging jet using a reduced-scale mock-up. Building Environment & Energy (Proceedings of 21st National Academic Conference on Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration, 2018) (no ISBN number); 2018; (10): 76-80. In Chinese.

[2] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu; Wang, Hao. Discussions on a few issues of revising ventilation rates for civic buildings in China. In: Electronical Proceedings of the 21st National Academic Conference on Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning and Refrigeration, 2018 (no ISBN number). Sanmenxia, China; 2018.10. ID70. In Chinese.

[3] Ye, Wei*; Wang, Hao; Gao, Jun; Zhang, Xu. Exposure Assessment and Ventilation Requirement Analysis for Indoor Air Pollutants in Non-Residential Buildings in China by Compiling the IAPub Database. In: Electronical Proceedings of the 15th International Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoor Air 2018) (no ISBN number). Philadelphia, PA, USA; 2018.07. ID102.

[4] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Qianru; Wang, Shengji; Zhang, Xu. Exposure Modular and Adjustable Ventilation Using Induced Jet Fans for a Multi-Purpose Large Space. In: Electronical Proceedings of the 15th International Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoor Air 2018) (no ISBN number). Philadelphia, PA, USA; 2018.07. ID105.

[5] Zhang, Qianru; Zhang, Xu*; Ye, Wei; Liu, Li; Nielsen, Peter V. Experimental study of heavy contaminant gas distribution in a large space chamber. In: Electronical Proceedings of RoomVent & Ventilation 2018. Espoo, Finland; 2018.06. p. 803-808.

[6] Ye, Wei; Zhang, Qianru; Wang, Shengji; Zhang, Xu*. Adjustable ventilation using induced jet fans for a multipurpose space. In: Electronical Proceedings of RoomVent & Ventilation 2018. Espoo, Finland; 2018.06. p. 809-814.

[7] Ye, Wei*; Wang, Hao; Zhang, Xu. A preliminary discussion on ventilation rates for public buildings in China. In: Electronical Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Building Energy, Environment (COBEE 2018). Melbourne, Australia; 2018.02. p. 17-21.

[8] Wang, Hao; Ye, Wei*; Gao, Jun; Zhang, Xu. Compiling an indoor air pollutant database for public buildings in China to evaluate occupant chronical exposure and health effects. In: Proceedings of the National Conference on Ventilation Technology in 2015. Ma’anshan, China; 2017.11. p. 81-84. In Chinese.

[9] Wang, Hao; Ye, Wei*; Gao, Jun; Zhang, Xu. Evaluate occupant chronical exposure and health effects for students in schools based on an indoor air pollutant database. The 8th Annual Conference of Indoor Environment and Health Branch, Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences (IEHB 2017). Chongqing, China; 2017.11. L15. In Chinese.

[10] Ye, Wei*; Gao, Jun; Wang, Hao; Zhang, Xu. Linking ventilation rate requirements to indoor pollutant concentration data for urban residential buildings in China. In: Electronical Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2017). Ji’nan, China; 2017.10. ID811.

[11] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Qianru; Xie, Yuliang; Cai, Jian; Li, Shifeng; Zhang, Xu. Experimental investigation on the performance of spray cooling on high temperature diesel exhaust using a nozzle array in a confined space. In: Electronical Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2017). Ji’nan, China; 2017.10. ID1435.

[12] Xie, Yuliang; Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu*. The effect of spray cooling in long and narrow space for two jet sources with intensive turbulence at 700 K. In: Electronical Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2017). Ji’nan, China; 2017.10. ID1475.

[13] Cai, Jian; Ye, Wei; Tu, Shuyang; Tian, Shaochen; Zhang, Xu*. Experimental investigation on thermal protection of high-temperature jet impinging a cross-shaped plate. In: Electronical Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2017). Ji’nan, China; 2017.10. ID1614.

[14] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu. A preliminary discussion on determining ventilation requirements for public buildings by compiling an indoor air pollutant database in China. In: Electronical Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2017 Europe. Lublin, Poland; 2017.07. ID0018.

[15] Candido, Christhina*; Wang, Sihui; Thomas, Leena; Zhang, Fan; Haddad, Shamila; Ye, Wei. Indoor environmental quality conditions in activity-based offices in green buildings. In: Electronical Proceedings of 33rd PLEA International Conference (PLEA 2017), Volume I. Edinburgh, UK; 2017.07. p. 662-668.

[16] Ye, Wei*; Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu. Modelling long-term VOC emissions from building materials using an exponential model with short-term emission data. In: Electronical Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings (IAQVEC 2016). Incheon Songdo, Republic of Korea; 2016.10. ID1023.

[17] Ye, Wei*; Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu. Using the power-law model with short-term VOC emissions data from building materials to predict long-term emission characteristics. In: Electronical Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoor Air 2016). Ghent, Belgium; 2016.07. ID58.

[18] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu. Predicting screening-level emission of gas-phase pollution from building materials. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Industrial Ventilation (Ventilation 2015), Volume I. Shanghai, China; 2015.10. p. 56-61.

[19] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu; The effects of advance time for HVAC system operation on VOC distribution emitted from building materials. In: Proceedings of the National Conference on Ventilation Technology in 2015. Chengdu, China; 2015.08. p. 144-148. In Chinese.

[20] Ye, Wei*; Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu; Zhou, Qi. A general method to predict ventilation requirements while incorporating building material emission testing. In: Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2015 America. Boulder, CO, USA; 2015.07. p. 122-125.

[21] Ye, Wei*, Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu. A simple VOC prioritization method to determine ventilation rate for indoor environment based on building material emissions. In: Proceedings of ISHVAC-COBEE 2015. Tianjin, China; 2015.07. p. T4-772.

[22] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu; A building material VOC emission model parameter fitting procedure under extreme condition. In: Proceedings of 19th Biennial Meeting of China's HVAC&R 2014. Tianjin, China; 2014.10. p. 191. In Chinese.

[23] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu; Won, Doyun; A preliminary ventilation rate study for residential buildings and offices based on VOC emission database. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoor Air 2014), Volume V. Hong Kong; 2014.07. p. 1070-1077.

[24] Ye, Wei; Cox, Steven S.; Zhao, Xiaomin; Frazier, Charles E.; Little, John C.*; Partially-irreversible sorption of formaldehyde in polymeric materials. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoor Air 2014), Volume I. Hong Kong; 2014.07. p. 137-144.

[25] Zhang, Xu*; Ye, Wei; Won, Doyun; Yuan, Yuan; A preliminary ventilation rate study for residential buildings and offices based on VOC emission database. In: Proceedings of 2014 YSRIM International Conference, Busan, Republic of Korea; 2014.02. p. 79-86.

[26] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu; A building material VOC emission model parameter fitting procedure under extreme condition. In: Proceedings of Biennial Meeting of Shanghai Society of Refrigeration 2013. Shanghai, China; 2013.12. p. 455-460. In Chinese.

[27] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu; Zhou, Xiang; Yuan, Yuan; Predicting permissible carbon monoxide concentration limits for tunnel ventilation under normal operation. In: Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Healthy Buildings 2012, Brisbane, QLD, Australia; 2012.07. p. 150-155.

[28] Yang, Derun*; Zhang, Xu; Zhou, Xiang; Ye, Wei; Experimental study the effects of intensified convection driven by air circulation fan to ameliorate the air temperature stratification in the heating room. In: Proceedings of 18th Biennial Meeting of China's HVAC&R 2012. Yantai, China; 2012.10. In Chinese.

[29] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu; Predicting permissible CO concentration limit for longitudinal ventilation tunnels with jets under hurdle cases. In: Proceedings of Biennial Meeting of Chinese Association of Refrigeration 2011. Nanjing, China; 2011.10. In Chinese.

[30] Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu; Predicting permissible CO concentration limit for longitudinal ventilation tunnels with jets under hurdle cases. In: Proceedings of Biennial Meeting of Shanghai Society of Refrigeration 2011. Shanghai; 2011.12. p. 390-395. In Chinese.

[31] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu; Integral and difference forms of revised CFK equation for prediction carbon monoxide thresholds in tunnels. In: Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning, ISHVAC 2011. Shanghai, China; 2011.11. p. 559-565.

[32] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu; A permissible carbon monoxide concentration limit model for longitudinal tunnel with shafts. In: Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning, ISHVAC 2011. Shanghai, China; 2011.11. p. 575-581.

[33] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu; Discussion on CO concentration threshold in tunnels under different operation cases. In: Proceedings of 6th National Conference on New Technology of Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning. Wuhan, China; 2010.08. In Chinese.

[34] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu; Discussion on CO concentration threshold in semi-transverse ventilation tunnels based on an altered CFK equation. In: Proceedings of 17th Biennial Meeting of China's HVAC&R 2010. Hangzhou, China; 2010.11. p. 73. In Chinese.

[35] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu; Wang, Songqing; Sun, Shengnan; Wang, Jun; An energy efficiency control strategy research for chillers in summer. In: Proceedings of Biennial Meeting of Shanghai Society of Refrigeration 2009. Shanghai; 2009.12. p. 299-303. In Chinese.

D. Research Reports

[1] Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu; Zeng, Lingjie; et al; The test report on ventilation system and indoor environment of a dock cabin of a long and narrow space. 06/2015, in Chinese.

[2] Ye, Wei; Tai, Yanhuan; Zhang, Xu. Research report on air distribution system comparisons of a large space for maintaining subway trains. 01/2015, in Chinese.

[3] Little, John C.; Frazier, Charles E.; Ye, Wei; Zhao, Xiaomin; Cox, Steven S.; Developing a reference material for formaldehyde emissions testing. 09/2013.

[4] Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu; Huang, Xiaoqing; et al. Research report on experimental and CFD study for spraying cooling in a long and narrow space. 12/2010, in Chinese.

[5] Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu; Zhou, Xiang; et al. The test report on ventilation system and indoor environment of a dock cabin of a long and narrow space. 07/2010, in Chinese.

[6] Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu; Research report on CFD study for a cylinder heat exchanger. 03/2010, in Chinese.

Software / Tools (Not Patented):

[1] Ye, Wei; An UDF generating tool for ANSYS Fluent, programmed in Delphi XE10, 2015.

[2] Wei Ye, Xu Zhang. A VOC emission models database, programmed in Matlab, 2013.

[3] Wei Ye, Xu Zhang. A VOC emission database prototype for building materials, programmed in Delphi and Microsoft Access, 2012.

[4] Wei Ye, Xu Zhang. A calculation tool based on CFK equation for tunnel ventilation, programmed in Delphi, 2011.

[5] Wei Ye, Xu Zhang. A calculation tool for evaluating removing water accumulation time in tunnel pavement, programmed in Delphi, 2009.

[6] Wei Ye, Xu Zhang. A request volume of outdoor air calculation tool for tunnel ventilation, programmed in Delphi, 2009.

[7] Wei Ye, Xu Zhang. An energy consumption comparison tool for heat pumps and chillers, programmed in Delphi, 2009.

Standards (Participated in):

[1] JG/T 527-2017 Full-scale chamber test method for determining formaldehyde and VOCs emission rates from wood products. Beijing: China Standards Press, 2017.

[2] T/CAQI 27-2017 Specification of indoor air quality for classroom of elementary and secondary school. Beijing: China Standards Press, 2017.

[3] T/CAQI 30-2017 Technical specification for outside air purification system of elementary and secondary school. Beijing: Chemical Industry Press, 2017.

Peer Reviewer (Journals):

[1]    Applied Thermal Engineering

[2]    Atmospheric Environment

[3]    Building and Environment

[4]    Energy and Buildings

[5]    Environmental Science & Technology

[6]    European Journal of Wood and Wood Products

[7]    Indoor Air

[8]    Indoor and Built Environment

[9]    Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering

[10]  Journal of Hazardous Materials

[11]  Journal of Thermal Science

[12]  Reviews on Environmental Health

[13]  Science and Technology for the Built Environment

[14]  Science China Technological Sciences

[15]  Science of The Total Environment

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