[发布时间]: 2023-04-12[阅读次数]: 79











2006.32010.12 同济大学供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程专业博士
2006.3 同济大学供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程专业硕士
2003.6 同济大学建筑环境与设备工程专业学士



2013.11 同济大学环境科学与工程博士后流动站博士后
2014.4 住房和城乡建设部建筑节能与科技司挂职










[1] 建筑、能源系统评估及优化(区域与行业碳排放核算、生命周期评价方法与应用、高效空调机房)

[2] 低能耗除湿技术(建筑热湿环境营造理论、低能耗除湿技术装备、热响应聚合物除湿材料)

[3] 地铁节能(新型冷热源及空调系统、精细化运行策略)




[1]     国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,52178085,围护结构容湿特性对夏热冬冷地区间歇空调通风居住建筑热湿环境的影响机制研究,2022-012025-12.

[2]     中央高校基本科研业务费自主原创基础研究项目,热响应聚合物的热-湿-力学耦合行为及其在热湿调控中的应用基础研究,2022-112024-10.

[3]     横向委托,工艺低湿环境空调除湿系统设计及测试,2023-012024-12.

[4]     横向委托,车站用电负荷及典型设备用房发热量实测研究,2023-042025-03.

[5]     横向委托,城市轨道交通双碳发展政策体系、目标分解及技术路径研究,2022-112023-06.

[6]     横向委托,地铁车站围护结构耦合式能量板系统关键技术研究,2021-102023-06.


[7]     国家科技部,十三五国家重点研发计划,课题,2020YFD1100505,西北村镇生物质能地热能高效利用技术装备研发与示范,2020-102022-12.

[8]     国家科技部,十三五国家重点研发计划,子课题,2018YFD1100704-05,村镇沼气供暖关键技术及系统研发,2018-122022-12.

[9]     国家科技部,十三五国家重点研发计划,子课题,2016YFC0700103-03,绿色建筑遮阳和自然通风技术适应性研究,2016-072020-06.

[10]  国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金,51408420,建筑生命周期评价的时间有效性研究,2015-012017-12.

[11]  国际合作,联合国开发计划署,中国公共建筑能效提升项目,CS-32,公共建筑能效提升技术类示范子项目(医院类),2020-092021-12.

[12]  国际合作,美国能源基金会项目,G110313867,规划阶段建筑节能影响因素及促进机制研究,2011-052012-04.

[13]  中央高校基本科研业务费应急项目,22120200015,医用防护服内热湿环境形成机理及穿戴式调控装置研发,2020-012020-12.

[14]  中央高校基本科研业务费交叉学科项目,基于神经网络的大型交通枢纽能耗预测模型研究,2015-072016-12.

[15]  中央高校基本科研业务费同济大学青年优秀人才培养行动计划,建筑保温材料生命周期清单分析及不确定性量化研究,2015-012016-12.

[16]  住房和城乡建设部部门专项经费项目,高校节约型校园节能监管体系建设验收办法及节能综合改造技术导则,2012-052013-06,结题

[17]  住房和城乡建设部科学技术项目,2012-R1-3,建筑生命周期清单分析的时间不确定性研究,2012-012013-06.

[18]  中国博士后科学基金第五十批面上资助,2011M500818,建筑生命周期清单分析的时间有效性研究,2012-012012-12.

[19]  住房和城乡建设部科学技术项目,2011-R1-23,钢结构居住建筑的生命周期评价,2011-012012-06.

[20]  上海市城乡建设和管理委员会科学技术项目,建管2014-001-009,上海高校节能综合改造推进模式研究,2014-012015-12.

[21]  固废资源化利用与节能建材国家重点实验室开放课题,SWR-2015-002,典型固体废弃物制备建材的生命周期评价,2015-122017-12.

[22]  建筑安全与环境国家重点实验室开放课题,基于LCA的建筑保温材料筛选和优化研究,2012-082014-08.

[23]  广东省城市空调节能与控制工程技术研究开发中心开放课题,建筑保温材料生命周期清单分析及优化研究,2011-102012-03.

[24]  上海市金山区机关事务管理局,金山区政府办公区空调系统节能改造方案. 2017.

[25]  上海市金山区机关事务管理局,金山区政府五号楼二层会议室空调系统降噪方案. 2017.

[26]  上海市金山区机关事务管理局,金山区档案局办公楼空调系统评估及改造方案. 2017.

[27]  上海市金山区机关事务管理局,金山规划展示馆、财政局办公楼空调系统诊断及建议. 2020.

[28]  横向委托,许昌城乡一体化示范区能源专项规划及可研报告. 2015.

[29]  横向委托,地铁车站设备管理用房区动态负荷特性及控制策略研究. 2016.

[30]  横向委托,佘山酒店地源热泵设计方案研究. 2018.

[31]  横向委托,地铁车站高效空调系统关键技术、设计与评价方法研究. 2019.

[32]  横向委托,滨州市全民健康文化中心项目地勘井岩土热响应测试及分析. 2021.

[33]  横向委托,近零能耗建筑热湿负荷特性研究. 2021.

[34]  横向委托,新开发银行总部大楼设计空调风口性能测试2022.







[1]     Shaochen Tian, Xing Su*, Yining Geng. Fundamental and perspectives of thermo-responsive materials for dehumidification and water harvesting. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2023, 137446.

[2]     Xing Su*, Yixiang Huang, Zehan Xu, Chaoyang Chen, Shaochen Tian, Li Peng. A dynamic life cycle assessment model for long-term carbon emissions prediction of buildings: A passive building as case study. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2023, 96: 104636.

[3]     Xing Su*, Zehan Xu, Shaochen Tian, Chaoyang Chen, Yixiang Huang, Yining Geng, Junfeng Chen. Life cycle assessment of three typical solar energy utilization systems in different regions of China. Energy. 2023, 127736.

[4]     Xing Su*, Xiaolu Shao, Yining Geng, Shaochen Tian, Yixiang Huang. Optimization of feedstock and insulating strategies to enhance biogas production of solar-assisted biodigester system. Renewable Energy. 2022, 197: 59-68.

[5]     Shaochen Tian, Xing Su*, Yining Geng. Review on heat pump coupled desiccant wheel dehumidification and air conditioning systems in buildings. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022, 54; 104655.

[6]     Shaochen Tian, Xing Su*, Yining Geng, He Li, Yaowen Liang, Yanqiang Di. Heat pump combined with single-stage or two-stage desiccant wheel system? A comparative study on different humidity requirement buildings. Energy Conversion and Management. 2022, 255; 115345.

[7]     Xing Su*, Yixiang Huang, Lei Wang, Shaochen Tian, Yanping Luo. Operating optimization of air-conditioning water system in a subway station using data mining and dynamic system models. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021, 44; 103379.

[8]     Shaochen Tian, Xing Su*, He Li, Yixiang Huang. Using a coupled heat pump desiccant wheel system to improve indoor humidity environment of nZEB in Shanghai: Analysis and optimization. Building and Environment. 2021, 206; 108391.

[9]     Yixiang Huang, Xing Su*, Xiaoyan Wu, Wei Ye, Xu Zhang*. Dynamic thermal performance analysis for fin-concrete ceiling in main control rooms of passive nuclear power plants. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2021, 28; 101402.

[10]  Xing Su*, Xiaolu Shao, Shaochen Tian, He Li, Yixiang Huang. Life cycle assessment comparison of three typical energy utilization ways for corn stover in China. Biomass and Bioenergy. 2021, 152; 106199.

[11]  Xing Su*, Shaochen Tian, He Li, Xu Zhang, Xiaolu Shao, Jun Gao, Hai Ye. Thermal and humid environment improvement of the protective clothing for medical use with a portable cooling device: analysis of air supply parameters. Energy and Buildings. 2021, 240; 110909.

[12]  Xing Su*, Shaochen Tian, Xiaolu Shao, Xu Zhang. Experimental and numerical study on low temperature regeneration desiccant wheel: Parameter analysis with a comprehensive energy index. International Journal of Refrigeration. 2020, 120: 237-247.

[13]  Xing Su*, Shaochen Tian, Xiaolu Shao, Xuan Zhao. Embodied and operational energy and carbon emissions of passive building in HSCW zone in China: A case study. Energy and Buildings. 2020, 222; 110090.

[14]  Shaochen Tian, Xing Su*, Xiaolu Shao, Lei Wang. Optimization and evaluation of a hybrid solar energy, heat pump and desiccant wheel system in nearly zero energy building. Building Simulation. 2020, 13(6):1291-1303.

[15]  Xing Su*, Xu Zhang. Temporal validation of life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of energy systems in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016, 139(12): 250-257.

[16]  Xing Su*, Xu Zhang. A detailed analysis of the embodied energy and carbon emissions of steel-construction residential buildings in China. Energy and Buildings. 2016, 119(5): 323-330.

[17]  Xing Su*, Zhong Luo, Yuhang Li, Chenhao Huang. Life cycle inventory comparison of different building insulation materials and uncertainty analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016, 112: 275-281.

[18]  Deyin Zhao, Ming Zhong, Xu Zhang*, Xing Su*. Energy consumption predicting model of VRV (Variable refrigerant volume) system in office buildings based on data mining. Energy. 2016, 102(5): 660-668.

[19]  Su Xing, Zhang Xu, Gao Jun. Inventory Analysis of LCA on Steel- and Concrete-Construction Office Buildings. Energy and Buildings. 2008, 40(7): 1188-1193.

[20]  Xing Su, Xu Zhang, Jun Gao. Evaluation method of natural ventilation system based on thermal comfort in China. Energy and Buildings. 2009.41(1): 67-70.

[21]  Xing Su, Xu Zhang. Environmental performance optimization of window-wall ratio for different window type in hot summer and cold winter zone in China based on life cycle assessment. Energy and Buildings. 2010, 42(2): 198-202.

[22]  Chengquan Zhang, Jun Gao, Yukun Xu, Yunfei Xia, Xiaobin Wei, Xing Su, Lingjie Zeng. Void fraction for random loose packing of the cylindrical particles considering filling rate, material and shape. 2021, (5)

[23]  Chengquan Zhang, Jun Gao, Yukun Xu, Yunfei Xia, Xiaobin Wei, Xing Su, Lingjie Zeng. Random loose packing of cylindrical particles considering filling rate. Powder Technology. 2021, 386(7): 98-107.

[24]  Shengyi Tang, Chengqiang Zhi, Yujie Fan, Wei Ye, Xing Su, Xu Zhang. Unhealthy indoor humidity levels associated with ventilation rate regulations for high-performance buildings in China. Building and Environment. 2020, 177; 106839.

[25]  Bowen Du, Jun Gao, Lingjie Zeng, Xing Su, Xu Zhang, Shuili Yu, Hongting Ma. Area optimization of solar collectors for adsorption desalination. Solar Energy. 2017, 157(11): 298-308.

[26]  Wei Ye, Xu Zhang, Jun Gao, Xiang Zhou, Xing Su. Indoor air pollutants, ventilation rate determinants and potential control strategies in Chinese dwellings: A literature review. Science of the Total Environment. 2017, 586(5): 696-729.

[27]  Xiaolu Shao, Xing Su*, Shaochen Tian, Jian Cai. The effect of biogas fermentation assisted by simple solar greenhouse. Cold Climate HVAC and Energy 2021.

[28]  Xiaolu Shao, Xing Su*, Shaochen Tian, Jian Cai. The climate adaptability evaluation of biogas fermentation assisted by solar greenhouse. Cold Climate HVAC and Energy 2021.

[29]  Lei Wang, Xing Su*. Cooling load prediction of subway station based on data mining. Indoor Air 2020.

[30]  Shengyi Tang, Wei Ye, Xing Su, Xu Zhang. Determining moist-based ventilation rates for residential buildings with low-infiltration in China: a preliminary discussion. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning. 2020, 97-105.

[31]  Shengyi Tang, Wei Ye, Xing Su, Xu Zhang. Simulations on non-healthy indoor humidity by ventilation rates in nearly zero energy residential buildings in China. 10th International Conference IAQVEC 2019, 2019.

[32]  Shaochen Tian, Xing Su*, Xu Zhang. Application of heat pump combined two-stage desiccant wheel fresh air system of residential buildings in mixed climate zone. CLIMA 2019 Congress.

[33]  Shaochen Tian, Xing Su*. Performance analysis of a hybrid solar energy, heat pump, and desiccant wheel air-conditioning system in low energy consumption building. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, 2020, 611-620.

[34]  Xing Su, Xu Zhang. Decision on Window-wall Ratio and Window Materials of Typical Office Buildings in Shanghai Based on LCA. The First International Conference on Building Energy and Environment. 2008 Dalian 175-180.

[35]  Xing Su*, Xu Zhang, Yuan Yuan. Environmental Performance of Power Generation System in China Based on LCA. Second International Symposium on Aqua Science, Water Resource, and Low Carbon Energy, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1251.

[36]  Xing Su*, Hang Li, Xu Zhang, Bo Song. Model and Experiment Study on Solar Heating Biogas Production in Rural China, Procedia Engineering, 2017, 205: 3525-3530.

[37]  Hang Li, Bo Tang, Lunfei Che, Jun Liu, Xing Su*.Energy Saving Potential of Air Conditioning System of Equipment Stations in Metro Systems, Procedia Engineering, 2017, 205: 3519-3524.

[38]  苏醒*, 王磊,田少宸,秦旭. 基于动态客流量模型的地铁车站空调负荷预测,同济大学学报(自然科学版),2021

[39]  苏醒*, 田少宸. 夏热冬冷地区近零能耗住宅室内湿特性分析. 同济大学学报(自然科学版),2020, 48(5)725-732.

[40]  苏醒*, 李航, 张旭, 宋波. 太阳助秸秆沼气的生命周期能耗及碳排放分析. 同济大学学报(自然科学版)2017, 45(8): 1204-1208.

[41]  苏醒*, 罗仲, 张旭. 中国能源系统生命周期碳排放的时间有效性. 同济大学学报(自然科学版)2016, 44(5): 773-778.

[42]  苏醒*, 张旭, 孙永强. 钢结构住宅建筑部品生命周期详单分析. 同济大学学报(自然科学版). 2011, 39(12):1784-1788.

[43]  苏醒*, 张旭, 孙永强. 考虑回收能力的材料生命周期清单分析计算模型. 同济大学学报(自然科学版).  2011, 39(10): 1528-1530,1547.

[44]  Xing Su*, Xiang Zhou, Xu Zhang. Validity of research boundary in energy system life cycle assessment. Proceeding of ISHVAC2011. 2011: 1474-1478.

[45]  Fei Cheng, Xu Zhang, Xing Su. Comparative assessment of external and internal insulation for intermittent air-conditioned bedrooms in Shanghai. Procedia Engineering, 2017, 205: 50-55.

[46]  程飞, 张旭, 苏醒. 夏热冬冷地区住宅外墙内外保温性能分析. 同济大学学报(自然科学版). 2017, 45(6): 827-832.

[47]  程飞, 张旭, 苏醒.空调间歇运行模式下外墙内外保温的能耗特性对比. 同济大学学报(自然科学版). 2019, 47(2): 269-274.

[48]  Mingling Zhai, Xu Zhang, Fei Cheng, Xiang Zhou, Xing Su. A game-theoretic analysis of the government's role on the biomass supply chain construction. International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2017, 38(5): 444-458.

[49]  翟明岭, 张旭, 程飞, 苏醒. 农户秸秆处置及供生物质电厂成本分析. 同济大学学报(自然科学版). 2016, 44(3): 440-445.




[1]     发明专利,可自动调整再生区域面积的除湿转轮装置,ZL201810868896.3,已授权;

[2]     发明专利,沼气与辅助供热系统耦合的供热方法及采暖系统,   ZL202011358634.6,已授权;

[3]     发明专利,一种无霜冷库用热泵转轮耦合装置及运行方法,ZL202111088017.3,已授权;

[4]     发明专利,一种适用于低温环境的无水加湿装置及控制方法,ZL202111146009.X,已授权;

[5]     发明专利,基于温敏凝胶和间接蒸发冷却的除湿空调系统及应用方法,ZL202210705044.9,已授权;

[6]     发明专利,一种节能型变除湿量热泵式转轮除湿机组及其控制方法,CN202010025175.3,实审;

[7]     发明专利,基于热响应聚合物和膨体聚四氟乙烯薄膜的除湿设备,实审;

[8]     发明专利,一种基于热响应聚合物的多阶段空气取水系统及运行方法,实审;

[9]     发明专利,一种相变基除湿转轮装置及其应用方法,实审;

[10]  发明专利,一种考虑时间变量的建筑动态生命周期评价方法,实审;

[11]  发明专利,基于堆积特性的生物质成型燃料形态优化方法,实审;

[12]  发明专利,基于产气性能预测的沼气发酵系统设计方法与运行策略,实审;

[13]  发明专利,一种考虑可再生能源消纳的村镇多能互补热电联供系统及其应用方法,实审;

[14]  发明专利,一种基于阻容模型的地埋管换热器传热计算方法及系统,实审。



[1] 太阳能干式发酵集中制沼气候适应性评价软件,2017SR600910,已授权;

[2] 绿色生态村镇评分软件,2016SR362968,已授权;

[3] 太阳能辅助沼气采暖适应性评价软件V1.02020SR0996107,已授权;

[4] 西北村镇生物质-/光互补型热电联产系统设计运行优化软件V1.02021SR1500158,已授权;



[1]      中国工程建设标准化协会标准,《西北村镇生物质能清洁利用技术导则》(T/CECS 1299-2023),主编,排名第1

[2]      国家标准,《户式新风除湿机》,(GB/T 40397-2021),参编,排名第7

[3]      国家标准,《模块式空调机房设备》(GB/T 40411-2021),参编,排名第8

[4]      国家标准,《建筑产品与服务环境声明(EPD)通则》,参编,已审查

[5]      国家标准,《医院建筑运行维护技术标准》,参编,已审查

[6]      上海市工程建设规范《绿色生态城区评价标准》(DG/TJ08-2253-2018),参编

[7]      中国工程建设标准化协会标准,《绿色建材评价标准-钢结构房屋用钢构件》(T/CECS10028-2019),参编

[8]      中国工程建设标准化协会标准,《村镇建筑清洁能源供暖技术规程》(T/CECS 614-2019),参编

[9]      中国建筑节能协会团体标准,《绿色建筑节能环保技术适应性导则》(T/CABEE 004-2020),参编

[10]   中国建筑节能协会和中国城市轨道交通协会联合团体标准,《轨道交通车站高效空调系统技术标准》(T/CABEE 008-2020T/CAMET 02003-2020),参编

[11]   中国工程建设标准化协会标准,《绿色港口客运站建筑评价标准》(T/CECS 829-2021),参编

[12]   中国工程建设标准化协会标准,《城市轨道交通地下车站机电系统节能调适与运行维护技术规程》(T/CECS 969-2021),参编

[13]   中国工程建设标准化协会标准,《中小学建筑室内环境评价标准》(T/CECS 1173-2022),参编

[14]   中国工程建设标准化协会标准,《公共机构水平衡测试技术导则》(T/CECS 1172-2022),参编

[15]   中国电器工业协会团体标准,《零碳高能效区域能源系统-园区碳足迹评价导则》(T/CEEIA 653-2022 1172),参编

[16]   中国电器工业协会团体标准,《零碳高能效区域能源系统-碳核算管理导则》(T/CEEIA 652-2022 1172),参编

[17]   中国电器工业协会团体标准,《零碳高能效区域能源系统-设备碳足迹评价导则》(T/CEEIA 654-2022 1172),参编

[18]   中国工程建设标准化协会标准,《零碳建筑及社区技术规程》(T/CECS),参编

[19]   中国工程建设标准化协会标准,《智慧校园评价标准》,参编

[20]   中国工程建设标准化协会标准,《建筑防疫通道技术规程》,参编

[21]   中国工程建设标准化协会标准,《西北村镇地热能供暖应用技术导则》,参编

[22]   团体标准,《绿色城市新区规划评价体系》,参编

[23]   行业标准,《校园综合能源服务项目认证技术规范》,参编

[24]   行业标准,《校园综合能源服务认证技术规范》,参编



2020 基于梯级冷凝及两段热回收的温湿度独立控制空调系统研究与应用(3/8),华夏建设科学技术奖三等奖

2020 第二届全国暖通空调杰出青年

2020 同济大学优秀硕士学位论文,指导教师

2020 全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛三等奖国家级,指导教师

2018 中国路桥奖,奖教金

2016 同济大学优秀毕业设计,指导教师

2016 CAR-ASHRAE学生设计竞赛,指导教师

2015 全国人工环境工程学科奖学金竞赛一等奖,指导教师

2014 全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛三等奖国家级,指导教师

2012 中国建筑学会建筑设计一等奖

2010 夏安世教育基金会奖学金



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