[发布时间]: 2023-04-12[阅读次数]: 2636

姓       名:    叶蔚 
性       别:    男 
出生年月:    1985-04-05 
职       称:    
副教授 (招收硕士、博士研究生)

职       务:    中德机械工程中心 副主任

                  绿色能源工程中心 主任 

                   暖通空调研究所    副所长                   

研究方向:   [1] 人的行为、室内空气品质与新风量理论

                 [2] 大科学工程精密恒温环境营造

                 [3] 有限空间高温冲击射流热管理

通讯地址:    上海市四平路1239号同济大学济阳楼404


Google Scholarhttp://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=I73SyVQAAAAJ


[1] 2010.03-2014.12: 同济大学, 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 博士. 博士论文新风对室内建材污染物控制的基础研究获2015年同济大学优秀博士学位论文, 指导教师: 张旭 教授.

[2] 2012.09-2013.12: Virginia Tech, USA, The Charles E. Via, Jr. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 国家留学基金委(China Scholarship Council, CSC)及美国木基复合材料中心(Wood-based Composites Center, WBC)资助联合培养博士生, 指导教师: Prof. John C. Little.

[3] 2008.09-2010.03: 同济大学, 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 硕博连读(硕士阶段), 指导教师: 张恩泽 高工, 张旭 教授.

[4] 2004.09-2008.06: 东华大学, 建筑环境与设备工程, 学士. 毕业设计郑州某拖拉机厂铸造车间采暖通风及除尘设计获校优秀毕业设计, 指导教师: 沈恒根 教授.



[1] 2020.12-now: 同济大学, 机械与能源工程学院, 副教授.

[2] 2017.12-2020.12: 同济大学, 机械与能源工程学院, 助理教授.

[3] 2014.12-2017.12: 同济大学, 环境科学与工程博士后流动站, 博士后, 合作导师: 周琪 教授.

[4] 2016.01-2016.01: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, Department of Energy and Process Engineering, 挪威研究理事会(The Research Council of Norway)资助访问博士后, 合作导师: Prof. Guangyu Cao.



[1] 2023.04-now: 委员, 全国暖通空调学会-通风专委会.

[2] 2023.04-now: 委员, 暖通空调产业技术创新联盟-通风工作委员会.

[3] 2020.09-2021.06: Member, Scientific Committee, Healthy Buildings 2021 - Europe.

[4] 2019.07-now: 副主任委员, 中国环境科学学会-室内环境与健康分会-青年委员会.

[5] 2019.09-2019.10: Member, Youth Scientific Committee, Healthy Buildings 2019 Asia.

[6] 2017.07-2019.06: 秘书, 中国环境科学学会-室内环境与健康分会-青年委员会.

[7] 2017.02-2018.06: Member, the combined International Scientific Committee of Roomvent & Ventilation 2018.

[8] 2016.06-2020.06: 委员, 中国环境科学学会-室内环境与健康分会-青年委员会.

[9] 2014.12-2015.10: Executive  secretary, Ventilation 2015 (an academic conference).

[10] 2019.10-2020.10: Member, Association of Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings (IAQVEC).

[11] 2012.07-2016.07: Member, International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ).

[12] 2010.02-2011.11: Secretariat staff, ISHVAC 2011 (an academic conference).

[13] 2010.02-2010.02: Secretariat staff, YSRIM 2010 (an academic conference).

[课程开设, 第一主讲人]

[1] 秋季学期, 本科生第5学期: 040635 通风工程(双语)

[2] 春季学期, 本科生第6学期: 040634 供热工程(双语)

[3] 秋季学期, 本科生第7学期: 040027 通风气流技术(双语)

[4] 秋季学期, 本科生第7学期: 040500 建筑材料污染散发(英语)

[5] 春季学期, 硕士生第2学期: 20001700022 工业设施环境营造与控制(双语)


A. 本科生导师制

[1] 2023.09-2024.06: 白梓煊, 许多, 吉且舒, 姚婉颖, 高鹏飞, 吴俊杰, 薛驰, 23级同德学堂.

[2] 2023.09-2026.06: 李周逸, 22级建筑环境与能源应用工程.

[3] 2022.09-2025.06: 爱达娜·也尔达, 张红军, 21级建筑环境与能源应用工程.

[4] 2021.11-2024.06: 霍焕杰, 赵子斌, 20级建筑环境与能源应用工程.

[5] 2021.09-2022.06: 熊哲, 文溪, 李子健, 21级同舟学堂.

[6] 2020.10-2023.06: 刘星宇, 苏晓莹, 刘江, 宋启成, 19级建筑环境与能源应用工程.

[7] 2019.10-2022.06: 李昌琪, 李佳骏, 张欣茹, 郑其春, 18级建筑环境与能源应用工程.

[8] 2018.09-2019.07: 陈林海, 袁胜利, 李昌琪, 18级新生院工科试验班.

[9] 2018.12-2021.06: 王文, 汤文昊, 21届建筑环境与能源应用工程.

B. 本科生毕业设计

[1] 2022.12-2023.06: 王增, 毕业论文: 某大科学工程±0.1°C级恒温空调系统稳定冷冻水供水系统的优化设计和控制策略, 获优.

[2] 2022.12-2023.06: 洪钰淞, 毕业论文: 针对狭长空间中高温移动热源的跟随式喷淋降温系统的设计方法.

[3] 2022.12-2023.06: 刘江, 毕业设计: 某商业综合体空调与防排烟系统的节能优化设计.

[4-7] 2021.12-2022.06: 梁耀文, 李佳骏, 李昌琪, 张欣茹, 毕业设计: 常德市某医院冷/热源站及住院综合大楼暖通空调工程设计(2022年CAR-ASHRAE学生设计竞赛), 四人全获优, 梁耀文获校级优秀毕业设计.

[8] 2020.12-2021.06: 汤文昊, 21届建筑环境与能源应用工程, 毕业论文: 电动牙刷的使用习惯、气溶胶的产生与呼吸暴露研究, 获优.

[9] 2020.12-2021.06: 张俊玮, 21届建筑环境与能源应用工程, 毕业论文: 某大科学工程地下试验站精细化通风空调系统CFD模拟与优化. 

[10] 2020.12-2021.06: 曹浚哲, 21届建筑环境与能源应用工程, 毕业设计: 西安某高铁站配套旅游集散中心工程暖通空调系统设计.

[11] 2019.12-2020.06: 尹茹昕, 20届建筑环境与能源应用工程, 毕业设计: 天津某COVID-19患者指定医院暖通空调系统设计, 获优.

[12] 2019.12-2020.06: 赵敖, 20届建筑环境与能源应用工程, 毕业设计: 长沙市某商业综合体通风空调及防排烟设计.

[13] 2019.12-2020.06: 范钰杰, 20届建筑环境与能源应用工程, 毕业论文联合指导(张旭 教授): 采用空气净化器部分替代新风的可行性研究(IEA Annex 78项目), 获优.

[14] 2018.122019.06: 陈泽安, 19届建筑环境与能源应用工程, 毕业设计: 杭州某医院迁改工程医疗综合大楼暖通空调设计, 获优, 获第二届“盾安杯”大学生暖通空调设计大赛设计三等奖(颁发机构: 浙江盾安机电科技有限公司, 同济大学机械与能源工程学院).

[15] 2017.12-2018.06: 靳文睿, 18届建筑环境与能源应用工程, 毕业论文联合指导(张春路教授): 热泵热回收型除湿新风机仿真与优化设计.

C. 本科生创新创业项目

[1] 2020.0-2021.04: 程恩玮(项目负责人, 19级土木工程), 徐静涵(19级土木工程), 欧阳蔚荃(19级土木工程), 李岳聪(19级土木工程), 2020年大学生创新创业训练计划校级项目: 针对快速应对突发传染性疫情的组合式智能医疗帐篷. 已结题.

D. 研究生

[1] 2023.09-2027.03: 郭炜辰, 24级全日制学术型学位博士研究生, 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 任导师. 硕博连读.

[2] 2022.03-2026.03: 李艺群, 22级全日制学术型学位博士研究生, 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 任导师. 硕博连读.

[1] 2023.09-2026.03: 魏源, 23级全日制学术型学位硕士研究生, 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 任导师.

[2] 2023.09-2026.03: 洪钰淞, 23级全日制学术型学位硕士研究生, 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 任导师. 

[3] 2022.09-2024.03: 郭炜辰, 22级全日制学术型学位硕士研究生, 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 任导师. 硕博连读(硕士阶段).

[4] 2021.09-2024.03: 汤文昊, 21级全日制专业型学位硕士研究生, 土木水利类, 任导师.

[5] 2020.09-2022.03: 李艺群, 20级全日制学术型学位硕士研究生, 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 任导师. 硕博连读(硕士阶段).

[6] 2020.09-2022.03: 何玲, 20级全日制专业型学位硕士研究生, 土木水利类, 任导师. 硕士学位论文: 面向±0.1°C波动限值的狭长恒温环境空调送风与监控系统优化.

[7] 2019.09-2022.03: 陈泽安, 19级全日制学术型学位硕士研究生, 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 任导师.

[8] 2018.09-2021.03: 薛宇, 21届全日制专业型学位硕士研究生, 动力工程, 任副导师 (导师: 张旭 教授), 硕士学位论文: 江门中微子实验站运行阶段恒温控制及优化策略研究. 

[9] 2017.09-2020.04: 赵文萱, 20届全日制学术型学位硕士研究生, 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 任副导师 (导师: 张旭 教授), 硕士学位论文: 江门中微子装置液闪罐不同阶段高精度环控关键技术研究.

[10] 2017.09-2020.04: 汤晟怡, 20届全日制学术型学位硕士研究生, 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 任副导师 (导师: 苏醒 副教授) , 硕士学位论文: 高性能建筑室内通风湿环境及其影响因素研究.

[11] 2016.09-2019.03: 王好, 19届全日制学术型学位硕士研究生, 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 任副导师 (导师: 高军 教授): 臭氧与室内空气污染源联合作用下建筑通风需求的预测.


A. 科研

[1] 2023.11: 第三届“暖通空调杰出青年”, 颁发机构:《暖通空调》杂志社.

[2] 2023.11: 2023年黄河水利委员会科学技术奖一等奖, 项目名称: 深埋地下超大空间通风与环境控制关键技术及应用.排名6/15, 获奖人: 毛艳民、景来红、杨顺群、张旭、肖益民、叶蔚、吴超、翟利军、张国武、杨尚宇、刘兆龙、刘绍谦、朱莉、王龙阁、杨宏杰. 颁发机构: 水利部黄河水利委员会.

[3] 2023.04: 2022年度上海市科技进步奖二等奖, 项目名称: 建筑室内空气污染控制关键技术研究及规模化应用, 排名3, 获奖人: 李景广, 韩继红, 叶蔚, 高军, 樊娜, 李旻雯, 胡晓珍, 孟永哲, 甘晓明, 黄衍. 颁发机构: 上海市科学技术奖励管理办公室.

[4] 2023.02: 2022年度环境技术进步奖一等奖, 项目名称: 典型室内空气污染防控关键技术研究及规模化应用, 排名9, 获奖人: 李景广、高军、李县雯、樊娜、甘晓明、胡晓珍、孟永哲、黄衍、叶蔚、黄波涛、章重洋、徐海霞、盖其高、齐悦、季思宇. 颁发机构: 中国环境保护产业协会.

[5] 2021.08: 河南省优秀工程咨询成果一等奖, 项目名称: 江门中微子实验站配套基建工程通风空调系统优化设计, 排名4.

[6] 2019.07: 河南省水利创新成果奖一等奖, 项目名称: 中科院江门中微子实验站深埋地下式超大空间洞室通风空调系统关键技术研究, 排名: 5/15, 获奖人: 毛艳民, 张旭, 史仁杰, 王文先, 叶蔚, 吴超, 翟利军, 朱莉, 王龙阁, 杨尚宇, 齐央央, 刘绍谦, 苏林山, 李红帅, 沈姗姗. 颁发机构: 河南省水利学会.

[7] 2019.01: 2018年度708所优秀科研生产外协供方单位, 获奖单位: 同济大学, 颁发机构: 中国船舶工业集团公司第七〇八研究所. (基于课题组完成的项目)

[8] 2018.12: 2018年中国产学研合作创新成果二等奖, 项目名称: 间歇性散发多污染源精细化收集系统及装备的研究与应用, 排名: 5/10, 获奖人: 高军, 施博, 孟永哲, 曹昌盛, 叶蔚, 张旭, 艾希顺, 侯淳, 盖其高, 张清宇. 颁发机构: 中国产学研合作促进会.

B. 论文及学术

[1] 2021.12: 第十届中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会学术年会优秀学生论文入围奖, 获奖人: 李艺群(20级硕士研究生), 颁发机构: 中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会第十届学术年会组委会.

[2] 2018.10: 第二十一届暖通空调制冷学术年会(2018)优秀论文, 获奖人: 蔡健(博士研究生, 导师: 张旭 教授), 颁发机构: 中国建筑学会暖通空调分会, 中国制冷学会空调热泵专业委员会.

[3] 2017.11: 2017全国通风学术年会优秀论文, 获奖人: 王好(19届硕士研究生), 颁发机构: 中国建筑学会暖通空调分会, 中国制冷学会空调热泵专业委员会.

[4] 2015.11: 同济大学优秀博士学位论文, 颁发机构: 同济大学.

[5] 2015.08: 2015全国通风学术年会优秀论文, 颁发机构: 中国建筑学会暖通空调分会, 中国制冷学会空调热泵专业委员会, 全国通风技术学术年会组委会.
[6] 2014.12: 同济大学第八届研究生“学术先锋”(第五名), 颁发机构: 同济大学党委研究生工作部, 共青团同济大学委员会, 同济大学研究生会.
[7] 2014.09: 第六届中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会学术年会“优秀学生论文”, 颁发机构: 中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会.

C. 学生工作

[1] 2023.09: 同济大学优秀班主任, 颁布机构: 同济大学党委学生工作部、研究生工作部.

[2] 2022.12: 同济大学机械与能源工程学院“优秀党务工作者”, 颁布机构: 中共同济大学机械与能源工程学院委员会.

[3] 2022.09: 同济大学优秀班主任, 颁布机构: 同济大学党委学生工作部、研究生工作部.

[4] 2022.07: 学院师德师风优秀个人, 颁布机构: 同济大学机械与能源工程学院党委.

[5] 2021.09: 同济大学优秀班主任, 颁发机构: 同济大学党委学生工作部、研究生工作部.

[6] 2019.08: 同济大学优秀班主任, 颁发机构: 同济大学党委学生工作部、研究生工作部.

[7] 2019.07: 同济大学新生院优秀班主任, 颁发机构: 同济大学新生院.

D. 教学

[1] 2021.06: 2021年同济大学青年教师讲课竞赛三等奖, 颁发机构: 同济大学本科生院.

E. 研究生/本科阶段奖学金及荣誉称号

[1] 2014.12: 博士研究生国家奖学金, 颁发机构: 教育部.

[2] 2014.05: 上海市普通高等学校优秀毕业生, 颁发机构: 上海市教育委员会.

[3] 2013.12: 博士研究生国家奖学金, 颁发机构: 教育部.

[4] 2012.11: 潍柴奖励金, 颁发机构: 同济大学.

[5] 2012.06: 同济大学优秀研究生党员, 颁发机构: 同济大学党委研究生工作部.

[6] 2012.05: 国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目资助, 颁发机构: 国家留学基金委.

[7] 2012.04: 同济大学博士研究生国际学术会议奖励基金资助, 颁发机构: 同济大学研究生院.

[8] 2012.04: 同济大学优秀学生干部标兵, 颁发机构: 共青团同济大学委员会.

[9] 2011.10: 同济大学优秀研究生干部奖学金, 颁发机构: 同济大学.

[10] 2011.05: 同济大学优秀研究生干部, 颁发机构: 同济大学党委研究生工作部, 共青团同济大学委员会.

[11] 2011.02: 同济大学优秀学生干部, 颁发机构: 共青团同济大学委员会.

[12] 2010.03: 同济大学优秀学生干部, 颁发机构: 共青团同济大学委员会.

[13] 2008.06: 上海市优秀毕业生, 颁发机构: 上海市教育委员会.

[14] 2007.10: 东华大学奖学金, 颁发机构: 东华大学奖学金管理委员.

[15] 2007.10: 钱之光奖学金, 颁发机构: 钱之光科技教育基金理事会.

[16] 2006.11: 宝钢优秀学生奖, 颁发机构: 宝钢教育基金会.

[17] 2006.11: 百丽社会实践奖学金, 颁发机构: 东华大学奖学金管理委员会, 新百丽鞋业(深圳)有限公司.

[18] 2006.11: 东华大学奖学金, 颁发机构: 东华大学奖学金管理委员.

[19] 2005.11: 上海市优秀学生干部, 颁发机构: 共青团上海市委员会, 上海市教育委员会.

[20] 2005.11: 东华大学奖学金, 颁发机构: 东华大学奖学金管理委员.

[21] 2005.10: 内野奖学金, 颁发机构: 东华大学奖学金管理委员.


A. 主持

[1] 同济大学2023年度学科交叉联合攻关项目: 以室内辅助净化循环大幅降低公共建筑新风碳排放的可行性与设计方法. 项目编号: 2023-3-YB-03. 2023.06.012025.05.31, 25.0万元在研.

[2] 上海市2023年度“科技创新行动计划”自然科学基金项目: 面向大科学装置中高大、狭长空间超高精密恒温环境的营造方法. 项目批准号: 23ZR1468400. 2023.04.012026.03.31, 20.0万元在研.

[3] 上海市2021年度科技创新行动计划社会发展科技公共项目新一代大科学装置超大超长空间高精度恒温控制与纳米级振动控制关键技术研究子课题: 超长隧道±0.1℃级高精度空气温度的空气处理系统研究, 2021.07.01-2024.06.30, 20万元. 在研.

[4] 同济大学2022年度自主原创基础研究项目: 水雾恶劣环境下基于空气参数传感器的移动热源定位方法. 项目编号: 22120220632. 2022.11.012024.10.31, 15.0万元. 在研.

[2] 上海市协作项目: XJH-20220036. 2022.05.01-2022.09.30, 35.0万元. 在研.

[3] 上海市协作项目: XJH-20210159. 2021.10.01-2022.05.30, 80.0万元. 在研.

[4] 上海市协作项目: XTZ-20200089. 2020.07.01-2022.03.30, 178.0万元.结题中

[5] 上海建筑设计研究院有限公司委托技术服务: 硬X射线自由电子激光装置专题研究. 2020.03.01-2021.11.30, 8.0万元. 结题.

[6] 国防工程项目: XXXX热环境测试. 2019.01.01-2019.12.30. 39.0万元. 已结题.

[7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 快速适配大空间环境营造需求的模块化诱导通风系统设计方法. 项目批准号: 51878463, 2019.01.01-2022.12.31, 60.0万元. 在研.

[8] 同济大学青年优秀人才培养行动计划(中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金): 大科学装置变、恒热扰下小流量精细化全室恒温营造方法. 项目批准号: 22120180567, 2019.01.01-2020.12.31, 5.0万元. 已结题.  

[9] “十三五”国家重点研发计划专项“建筑室内空气质量控制的基础理论和关键技术研究”子任务:污染源散发控制及空气质量设计技术研究. 所属课题编号:  2017YFC0702706, 2017.07.01-2020.12.31, 53.0万元. 已结题. 

[10] “十三五”国家重点研发计划专项“近零能耗建筑技术体系及关键技术开发”子任务:近零能耗建筑新风需求形成机理研究. 所属课题编号:  2017YFC0702601, 2017.07.01-2021.06.30, 32.0万元. 已结题.

[11] 国家自然科学基金青年基金: 基于臭氧对建材挥发性有机物作用的人居环境新风量快速计算方法. 项目批准号: 21507102, 2016.01.01-2018.12.31, 20.0万元. 已结题.

[12] 挪威国家研究院(Research Council of Norway)资助国际交流项目: Specialist exchange with China (INT-BILAT) project: Ventilation and Airflow Pattern Effects on VOC Distributions in Indoor Environment. Project number: 249136/H30. Cooperator: Prof. Guangyu Cao, 2016.01.08-2016.01.28, 42,000 NOK. 已结题. 

[13] 中国博士后科学基金第10批特别资助: 近零能耗建筑新风需求分级控制理论及人行为应对机制. 项目批准号: 2017T100310, 2017.07.01-2018.06.31, 15.0万元. 已结题. 

[14] 中国博士后基金面上资助(一等)项目: 室内臭氧作用下建材VOC散发估计和新风量快速计算法. 项目批准号: 2015M570386, 2015.06.01-2016.12.31, 8.0万元. 已结题.

B. 参与(自博士后起)

[1] 上海市协作项目: XTZ-20200088. 2020.07-2021.03, 30.0万元. 主要参与人.  已结题.

[2] 国际合作项目: IEA EBC-Annex 78 Supplementing ventilation with gasphase air cleaning, implementation and energy implications, 2019.07.01~2023.06.30, 经费自筹, 一般参与人. 在研.

[3] 上海市协作项目: XXXX大气环境控制系统优化设计仿真计算和试验(二), 2017.10.01~2018.06.31, 30万, 主要参与人. 已结题.

[4] 国家自然科学基金面上基金: 基于运行阶段土壤热承载力的大规模地源热泵设计方法重构. 项目批准号: 51678418, 2017.01-2020.12, 62.0万元, 一般参与人. 已结题.

[5] 企业(黄河勘察设计规划有限公司)委托项目: 江门中微子实验站配套基建工程通风空调系统优化设计, 2016.11-2018.12, 40.0万元, 一般参与人. 已结题.

[6] 上海市协作项目: XXXX大气环境控制系统优化设计仿真计算和试验, 2016.06-2017.03, 175.0万元, 主要参与人. 已结题.

[7] 国家自然科学基金面上基金: 建筑集中式空调风系统毒气污染传播快速预警与源辨识. 项目批准号: 51278370, 2013.1.1-2016.12.31, 75.0万, 一般参与人. 已结题.

[8] 企业(铁道第三勘察设计研究院集团有限公司)委托项目: 上海金桥停车场板下大库不同通风方案室内风场模拟, 2015.01-2015.12, 12.0万元, 主要参与人. 已结题

[9] 上海市协作项目: XXXX喷雾降温及通风系统测试, 2014.12-2015.04, 38.0万元, 主要参与人. 已结题.

[10] 国家“十二五”科技支撑计划课题: 村镇建筑低品位能利用关键技术研究与工程示范(项目批准号: 2011BAJ08B09), 2011.1-2014.12, 638.0万元, 一般参与人. 已结题.


[1] 中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会组织编写. 钱华 主编, 刘志坚, 叶蔚, 郑晓红 副主编. 中国室内环境与健康研究进展报告2018-2019. 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社, 2020.04 (ISBN: 978-7-112-24645-8, CIP: 2020013271)

[2] 王军 主编, 叶蔚, 邵晓亮, 高然 副主编. 室内通风与净化技术. 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社, 2020.02. (ISBN: 978-7-112-24705-9, CIP: 2020011069)

[3] 张旭, 叶蔚, 徐琳 编著. 丛书名: 地下城市空间出版工程·运营与维护管理系列. 书名: 城市地下空间通风与环境控制技术. 上海: 同济大学出版社, 2018.12. (ISBN: 978-7-5608-8339-7, CIP: 2018298283).

[4] 叶蔚, 张旭 著. 丛书名: 同济博士论丛. 书名: 新风对室内建材污染物控制的基础研究. 上海: 同济大学出版社, 2017.08. (ISBN: 978-7-5608-7002-1, CIP: 2017093843).


A. SCI检索论文

[1] Fan, Yujie; Song, Zidong; Wu, Yili; Ren, Xiaopeng; Bi, Chenyang; Ye, Wei; Wei, Hongyan; Xu, Ying. Chemicals of Emerging Concern in Water-Based Paint Products. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 2024; (WOS: , https://doi.org/)

[2] Chen, Difei; Liu, Mingqi; Guo, Weichen; Li, Yiqun; Xu, Bin; Ye, Wei*. Energy-efficient operation of portable air cleaners based on real-time prediction of non-uniform concentrations of indoor air pollutants in open offices. Building and Environment. 2024; XXX: 111478. (WOS: , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2024.111478)

[3] Guo, Weichen; Wang, Zeng; Hong, Yusong; Chen, Difei; Zhu, Xuejin; Zhu, Zhe; Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu. Comparing temperature fluctuation attenuation capabilities and feasible parameter regions of indirect- and direct-contact heat exchangers for an ultra-high precision constant-temperature chilled water system: An experimental and Modelica-based study. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2024; 241: 122379. (WOS:001164036000001, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2024.122379)

[4] Li, Yiqun; Fan, Yujie; Wei, Yuan; Liu, Mingqi; Xu, Bin; Ye, Wei*. Can portable air cleaners reconcile conflicting needs for open-door/window autonomy and indoor air quality for occupants in densely populated offices? Applied Energy. 2024; 358: 122548. (WOS: 001152214300001, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2023.122548)

[5] Tang, Wenhao; Li, Yiqun; Du, Bowen; Ye, Wei*.Investigating toothbrushing behavior and its aerosol emissions from using electric toothbrushes. Building and Environment. 2023; 242: 110594. (WOS:001147238200001, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110594)

[6] Li, Yiqun; Fan, Yujie; Zhi, Chengqiang; Ye, Wei*; and Zhang, Xu. Multi-objective optimization of mechanical ventilation with the aid of purifiers in two scenarios: regular operation and mitigating the spread of respiratory infectious diseases. Building Simulation. 2023; 16(5): 795-811. (WOS: 000977407200010, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12273-023-0999-z).

[7] Wu, Xiaoyan*; Huang, Yixiang; Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu*. Optimization analysis of passive fin-concrete heat sinks for thermal environment control in main control room. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2022; 35: 102108. (WOS: , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csite.2022.102108)

[8] Wu, Chao; Zhi, Chengqiang; Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu*. Scale modeling study of airflow distribution uniformity in large spaces with high heat flux. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2022; 205: 118027. (WOS: , https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2021.118027)

[9] Zhang, Qianru; Zhang, Xu*; Ye, Wei; Zhi, Chengqiang; Huang, Yixiang; Gao, Jun. Transport characteristics of dense gaseous contaminants in a large space in the presence of obstacles. Building and Environment. 2021; 207, Part A: 108411.(WOS: 000707183600003, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.108411)

[10] Huang, Yixiang; Su, Xing*; Wu, Xiaoyan; Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu*. Dynamic thermal performance analysis for fin-concrete ceiling in main control rooms of passive nuclear power plants. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering. 2021; 101402. (WOS: 000700529100048, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csite.2021.101402)

[11] Huang, Yixiang; Wu, Xiaoyan; Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu*. Dynamic performance and multi-objective optimization of fin-concrete heat sinks. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2021; 117146. (WOS: 20212410502540, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2021.117146)

[12] Ye, Wei*; Cai, Jian; Huang, Yixiang; Zhi, Chengqiang; Zhang, Xu. Retrospective analysis of a multi-stage experiment on developing high-performance insulation panels to sustain jet impingement at high temperatures. Construction and Building Materials. 2021; 277: 122254. (WOS: 000634531400011, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.122254)

[13] Zeng, Lingjie; Liu, Guodong; Gao, Jun*; Du, Bowen; Lv, Lipeng; Cao, Changsheng; Ye, Wei, Tong, Leqi; Wang Yirui. A circulating ventilation system to concentrate pollutants and reduce exhaust volumes: case studies with experiments and numerical simulation for the rubber refining process. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021; 35: 101984. (WOS: 000618121100002, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2020.101984)

[14] Zeng, Lingjie; Gao, Jun*; Lv, Lipeng; Du, Bowen; Zhang, Yalei; Zhang, Ruiyan; Ye, Wei, Zhang Xu. Localization and characterization of intermittent pollutant source in buildings with ventilation systems: Development and validation of an inverse model. Building Simulation. 2021; 14: 841-855. (WOS: 000568024600004, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12273-020-0706-2)

[15] Ye, Wei*; Cai, Jian; Huang, Yixiang; Zhi, Chengqiang; Zhang, Xu. Experimental assessment of thermal performance and bridging effects of low-cost sandwich panels under a high-temperature impinging jet. Materials. 2020; 13(16): 3620. (WOS: 000564663200001, https://doi.org/10.3390/ma13163620)

[16] Ye, Wei*; Wang, Hao; Chen, Zean; Zhang, Xu. Ozone Deposition on Free-Running Indoor Materials and the Corresponding Volatile Organic Compound Emissions: Implications for Ventilation Requirements. Applied Sciences. 2020; 10(12): 4146. (WOS: 000549514600001, https://doi.org/10.3390/app10124146)

[17] Zhang, Chengquan; Gao, Jun*; Zeng, Lingjie; Xia, Yunfei; Xie, Wuhao; Ye, Wei. Experimental analysis of the resistance of packed beds based on the morphology of cylinder. Powder Technology. 2020; 369: 238-247. (WOS: 000540743200019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.powtec.2020.05.061)

[18] Tang, Shengyi; Zhi, Chengqiang; Fan, Yujie; Ye, Wei*; Su, Xing; Zhang, Xu. Unhealthy indoor humidity levels associated with ventilation rate regulations for high-performance buildings in China. Building and Environment. 2020; 177: 106839. (WOS: 000550146500016, EI: 20201808608248, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2020.106839)

[19] Cai, Jian; Ye, Wei; Tu, Shuyang; Tian, Shaochen; Zhang, Xu*. Experimental investigation on thermal protection of high temperature and high velocity jet impinging a cross-shaped plate. Heat Transfer Engineering. 2020; 41(9-10): 851-866. (WOS: 000470551300001, EI: 20201508385771, https://doi.org/10.1080/01457632.2019.1576429)

[20] Candido, Christhina; Thomas, Leena; Haddad, Shamila*; Zhang, Fan; Mackey, Martin; Ye, Wei. Designing activity-based workspaces: satisfaction, productivity and physical activity. Building Research & Information. 2019; 47(3): 275-289. (WOS: 000449284100003, EI: 20182305285785, https://doi.org/10.1080/09613218.2018.1476372)

[21] Zhang, Qianru; Zhang, Xu*; Ye, Wei; Liu, Li; Nielsen, Peter V. Experimental study of dense gas contaminant transport characteristics in a large space chamber. Building and Environment. 2018; 138: 98-105. (WOS: 000413608400082, EI: 20181805129562, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2018.04.020)

[22] Gao, Jun*; Zeng, Lingjie; Cao, Changsheng; Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu. Multi-objective optimization for sensor placement against suddenly released contaminant in air-duct system. Building Simulation. 2018; 11(1): 139-153. (WOS: 000416556800010, EI: 20174904513249, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12273-017-0374-z)

[23] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Qianru; Xie, Yuliang; Cai, Jian; Zhang, Xu. Spray cooling for high temperature of exhaust gas using a nozzle array in a confined space: Analytical and empirical predictions on cooling capacity. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2017; 127: 889-900. (WOS: 000413608400082, EI: 20173504092243, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.08.097)

[24] Chang, Le; Tu, Shuyang; Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu*; Dynamic simulation of contaminant inleakage produced by human walking into control room. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2017; 113: 1179-1188. (WOS: 000406731300104, EI: 20172503802977, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2017.06.040)

[25] Zhang, Xu*; Taipale, Aimo; Li, Xianting; Cao, Guangyu; Gao, Jun; Ye, Wei*. Celebrating 30 years of conference series on industrial ventilation-health, comfort and efficiency (editorial). International Journal of Ventilation. 2017; 16(3): 162-162. (WOS: 000406118900001, EI: 20171103432118, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14733315.2017.1299512)

[26] Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu*; Gao, Jun; Cao, Guangyu; Zhou, Xiang; Su, Xing. Indoor air pollutants, ventilation rate determinants and potential control strategies in Chinese dwellings: A literature review. Science of the Total Environment. 2017; 586: 696-729. (WOS: 000398758800069; PubMedID: 28215812, EI: 20170803359805, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.02.047)

[27] Ye, Wei; Gao, Jun; Zhang, Xu*; Yu, Chuck Wah. Studies of relationship between ventilation, pollution exposure and environmental health of buildings (editorial). Indoor and Built Environment. 2017; 26(2): 147-151. (WOS: 000394665800001,  http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1420326X16687602)

[28] Ye, Wei*; Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu; A practical method and its applications to prioritize volatile organic compounds emitted from building materials based on ventilation rate requirements and ozone-initiated reactions. Indoor and Built Environment. 2017; 26(2): 166-184. (WOS: 000394665800003,  http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1420326X16660601)

[29] Ye, Wei*; Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu; Examining the applicability of empirical models using short-term VOC emissions data from building materials to predict long-term emissions. Building Simulation. 2016; 9(6): 701-715. (WOS: 000383847600008, EI: 20163902841379,  http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12273-016-0302-7)

[30] Ye, Wei*; Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu; Practical approaches to determine ventilation rate for offices while considering physical and chemical variables of building material emissions. Building and Environment. 2014; 82: 490-501. (WOS: 000346543500047, EI: 20144500154213, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.09.017)

[31] Ye, Wei; Cox, Steven S.; Zhao, Xiaomin; Frazier, Charles E.; Little, John C.*; Partially- irreversible sorption of formaldehyde in five polymers. Atmospheric Environment. 2014; 99: 288-297. (WOS: 000345804400031, EI: 20144300126902,  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.09.078)

[32] Ye, Wei*; Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu; A preliminary ventilation rate determination methods study for residential buildings and offices based on VOC emission database. Building and Environment. 2014; 79: 168-180. (WOS: 000339696500015, EI: 20142317796523,  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.05.009)

[33] Liu, Zhe; Howard-Reed, Cynthia; Cox, Steven S.; Ye, Wei; Little, John C.*; Diffusion-controlled reference material for VOC emissions testing: effect of temperature and humidity. Indoor Air. 2014; 24(3): 283-291. (WOS: 000335008300007, PubMedID: 24134062,  http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ina.12076)

[34] Ye, Wei*; Little, John C.; Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu; Screening-level estimates of indoor exposure to volatile organic compounds emitted from building materials. Building and Environment. 2014; 75: 58-66. (WOS: 000335110800007, EI: 20140817364310,  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2014.01.018)

[35] Liu, Zhe; Ye, Wei; Little, John C.*; Predicting emissions of volatile and semivolatile organic compounds from building materials: A review. Building and Environment. 2013; 64: 7-25. (WOS: 000319548100002, EI: 20131516197734,  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2013.02.012)

B. EI检索论文

[1] Tang Wenhao, Li Yiqun, Ye Wei*. A preliminary experimental study on the user behaviors and aerosol emissions of electric toothbrushes. E3S Web Conf. 2022; 356: 02051. (EI: https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202235602051)

[2] Li Yiqun, Tang Wenhao, Wu Chao, Xue Yu, Ye Wei*, Zhang Xu. The feasibility of jet fan-assisted ventilation for temperature control of heating belts on a downward-facing sphere in a scientific facility. E3S Web Conf. 2022; 356: 02005. (EI: https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202235602005.

[3] Fan, Yujie; Zhi, Chengqiang; Chen, Zean; Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu. A preliminary field study on using air cleaners to substitute mechanical ventilation in an open office in Shanghai. In: Electronic Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate: Creative and Smart Solutions for Better Built Environments, Indoor Air 2020 (Online ISBN 9781713823605). International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate: Virtual, Online. 2020.11; ID0326. (EI: 20210910000865)

[4] Xue, Yu; Zhao, Wenxuan; Ye, Wei*; Wu, Chao; Zhang, Xu. Precision temperature control for an irregular cavity with internal heat source on a large-scale scientific facility using CFD simulations. In: Electronic Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate: Creative and Smart Solutions for Better Built Environments, Indoor Air 2020 (Online ISBN: 9781713823605). International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate: Virtual, Online. 2020.11; ID0320. (EI: 20210910000517)

[5] Zhao, Wenxuan; Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu. Numerical simulations on buoyancy-driven plumes from various sphere-attached heating sources. In: Electronic Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate: Creative and Smart Solutions for Better Built Environments, Indoor Air 2020 (Online ISBN: 9781713823605). International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate: Virtual, Online. 2020.11; ID0107. (EI: 20210910000826)

[6] 张倩茹, 张旭*, 叶蔚, 职承强, 黄奕翔, 赵文萱, 高军. 大空间重气泄漏下速度场、浓度场特性分析. 化工学报. 2020; 71(S1): 57-67. (EI: 20202508844880, https://doi.org/10.11949/0438-1157.20191163)

[7] Tang, Shengyi; Ye, Wei*; Su, Xing; Zhang, Xu. Determining moist-based ventilation rates for residential buildings with low-infiltration in China: A preliminary discussion. In: Electronic Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019), Volume I: Indoor and Outdoor Environment (Online ISBN 978-981-13-9520-8). Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.: Singapore. 2020; p. 97-105. (EI: 20201308356904, http://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-9520-8_11)

[8] Zhi, Chengqiang, Huang, Yixiang, Zhang, Qianru; Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu*. Numerical comparisons on heat-source-targeted and large-area spray cooling for an impinging jet at high temperature in a confined space. In: Electronic Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019), Volume I: Indoor and Outdoor Environment (Online ISBN 978-981-13-9520-8). Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.: Singapore. 2020; p. 107-114. (EI: 20201308356915, http://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-9520-8_12)

[9] Zhao, Wenxuan; Ye, Wei*; Wu, Chao; Zhang, Xu. CFD simulations on temperature control for an organic glass sphere with high-heat-flux sources. In: Electronic Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019), Volume I: Indoor and Outdoor Environment (Online ISBN 978-981-13-9520-8). Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.: Singapore. 2020; p. 441-449. (EI: 20201308356885, http://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-9520-8_47)

[10] Huang, Yixiang; Zhi, Chengqiang; Zhang, Qianru; Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu*. Passive thermal protections of smoke exhaust fans for a high-temperature heat source. In: Electronic Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019), Volume II: Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration System. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.: Singapore. 2020; p. 71-78. (EI: 20201508410029, http://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-9524-6_8)

[11] Xue, Yu; Zhao, Wenxuan; Ye, Wei; Wu, Chao; Zhang, Xu*. Simulations on pressure characteristics of low-flow rate water circulating system based on porous media model. In: Electronic Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019), Volume III: Buildings and Energy. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.: Singapore. 2020; p. 147-156. (EI: 20201508409823, http://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-9528-4_16)

[12] Wu, Chao; Zhang, Xu*; Huo, Jingtao; Zhao, Wenxuan; Ye, Wei. An investigation on the dynamic response property in an underground tunnel space with constant temperature. In: Electronic Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2019), Volume III: Buildings and Energy. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.: Singapore. 2020; p. 767-775. (EI: 20201508409742, http://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-9528-4_78)

[13] Cai, Jian; Ye, Wei; Zhi, Chengqiang; Huang, Yixiang; Zhang, Xu*. Experimental investigation on thermal insulation performance of air interlayer under an impinging jet at high temperature. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2019; 609(3): 032030. (EI: 20194507629228, http://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/609/3/032030)

[14] Tang, Shengyi; Ye, Wei*; Su, Xing; Zhang, Xu. Simulations on potential moisture-related issues in relation to mandated ventilation rates for NZEBs in China. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2019; 609(4): 042002. (EI: 20194507628868, http://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/609/4/042002)

[15] Zhi, Chengqiang; Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Qianru; Huang, Yixiang and Zhang, Xu. Optimization on segmentation spraying for cooling a moving source at high temperature in a confined space. E3S Web of Conferences. 2019; 111: 01021. (EI: 20193707415113, https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/201911101021)

[16] Zhao, Wenxuan; Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Qianru; Zhang, Xu. Simulations on arrangements of induced jet-fans as auxiliary ventilation for a mechanical ventilated space with openings. E3S Web of Conferences. 2019; 111: 01036. (EI: 20193707415128, https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/201911101036)

[17] Zhang, Qianru; Zhi, Chengqiang; Huang, Yixiang; Ye, Wei, Gao, Jun; Zhang, Xu*. The effect of the contaminant emission rate on the velocity field and contaminant dispersal with the presence of an obstacle in a large space. E3S Web of Conferences. 2019; 111: 02061. (EI: 20193707414454, https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/201911102061)

[18] Zhao, W.X. Zhang, X.*; Xu, X.Y.; Wu, C.; Ye, W. CFD simulations on the cooling effect of air supply velocity for high heat flux surfaces. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019; 238(1): 012044. (EI: 20191306696124, http://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/238/1/012044)

[19] Ye, Wei*; Wang, Hao; Gao, Jun; Zhang, Xu. Exposure Assessment and Ventilation Requirement Analysis for Indoor Air Pollutants in Non-Residential Buildings in China by Compiling the IAPub Database. In: Electronical Proceedings of the 15th International indoor air quality and climate (Indoor Air 2018) (ISBN: 9781713826514). Philadelphia, PA, USA; 2018.07. ID102. (EI: 20212010353697)

[20] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Qianru; Wang, Shengji; Zhang, Xu. Modular and Adjustable Ventilation Using Induced Jet Fans for a Multi-Purpose Large Space. In: Electronical Proceedings of the 15th International indoor air quality and climate (Indoor Air 2018) (ISBN: 9781713826514). Philadelphia, PA, USA; 2018.07. ID105. (20212010353698)

[21] Cai, Jian; Ye, Wei; Tu, Shuyang; Tian, Shaochen; Zhang, Xu*. Experimental investigation on thermal protection of high-temperature jet impinging a cross-shaped plate. Procedia Engineering. 2017; 205: 3838-3845. (EI: 20174604390131, CPCI-S: 000429606804003, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2017.10.076)

[22] 张承全, 高军*, 曾令杰, 叶蔚. 基于过滤浓度日数的新风PM2.5过滤负荷特性的研究. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 45(9):1345-1351. (EI: 20175104547733, http://dx.doi.org/10.11908/j.issn.0253-374x.2017.09.013)

[23] Candido, Christhina*; Wang, Sihui; Thomas, Leena; Zhang, Fan; Haddad, Shamila; Ye, Wei. Indoor environmental quality conditions in activity-based offices in green buildings. In: Proceedings of 33rd PLEA International Conference (PLEA 2017), Volume I (ISBN 978-0-9928957-5-4). Edinburgh, UK; 2017.07. p. 662–668. (EI: 20202308798745)

[24] Xie, Yuliang; Zhang, Xu*; Ye, Wei. The effect of spray cooling in long and narrow space for two jet sources with intensive turbulence at 700 K. In: Electronical Proceedings of the Healthy Buildings Europe 2017 (HB 2017) (ISBN: 9788379472604). Lublin, Poland; 2017.07. ID0252. (EI: 20184005882957)

[25] Ye, Wei*; Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu; A simple VOC prioritization method to determine ventilation rate for indoor environment based on building material emissions. Procedia Engineering. 2015; 121: 1697-1704. (EI: 20160701939659, CPCI-S: 000380499000229,   http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.proeng.2015.09.122)

[26] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu. Predicting screening-level emission of gas-phase pollution from building materials. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Industrial Ventilation (Ventilation 2015), Volume I. Shanghai, China; 2015.10. p. 56-61. (EI: 20163902833037)

[27] Ye, Wei*, Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu; Zhou, Qi. A general method to predict ventilation requirements while incorporating building material emission testing. In: Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2015 America. Boulder, CO, USA; 2015.07. p. 122-125. (EI: 20183505762465)

[28] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu and Won, Doyun. A preliminary ventilation rate study for residential buildings and offices based on VOC emission database. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoor Air 2014), Volume V. 2014.07, Hong Kong. p. 1070-1077. (EI: 20151100645009)

[29] Ye, Wei; Cox, Steven S.; Zhao, Xiaomin; Frazier, Charles E.; Little, John C.*; Partially-irreversible sorption of formaldehyde in polymeric materials. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoor Air 2014), Volume I. 2014.07, Hong Kong. p. 137-144. (EI: 20151100644922)

[30] 叶蔚, 张旭*. 纵向通风隧道正常运营CO浓度限值计算. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2013, 41(6): 882-888. (EI: 20133016534267, http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2013.06.013)

[31] 黄晓庆, 张旭*, 叶蔚. 组合喷嘴喷雾降温实验研究. 太阳能学报, 2013, 34(8): 1373-1379. (EI: 20134516955030, http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0254-0096.2013.08.012)

[32] 叶蔚, 张旭*. 横向通风隧道正常运营CO浓度限值计算. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 40(10): 1536-1541. (EI: 20124915763157, http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.10.018)

[33] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu; Zhou, Xiang; Yuan, Yuan. Predicting permissible carbon monoxide concentration limits for tunnels ventilation. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Healthy Buildings (Healthy Buildings 2012), 2012.07, Brisbane, Australia. (EI: 20133716714140)

[34] 黄晓庆, 张旭*, 叶蔚. 压力式螺旋型喷嘴降温特性实验研究. 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 40(8):1265-1269. (EI: 20124115548159, http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0253-374x.2012.08.025)

[35] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu. A permissible carbon monoxide concentration limit model for longitudinal tunnel with shafts. 7th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning - Proceedings of ISHVAC 2011, p575-581. 2011.11, Shanghai, China. (EI: 20123815453066, CPCI-S: 000394721200092)

[36] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Xu. Integral and difference forms of revised CFK equation for prediction carbon monoxide thresholds in tunnels. 7th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning - Proceedings of ISHVAC 2011, p559-565, 2011.11, Shanghai, China. (EI: 20123815453064, CPCI-S: 000394721200090)

C. 其他期刊论文

[1]郭炜辰, 王增, 朱学锦, 叶蔚*, 张旭.板式换热器和混水泵对于超高精密级恒温空调水系统的适用性研究. 制冷学报. 2025, 网络先刊.

[2]郭炜辰, 崔永龙, 谢玲梅, 叶蔚*. 基于动网格的狭长变径空间移动污染源的气流组织模拟与评价方法研究. 建筑热能通风空调. 2024. 录用待刊.

[3]何玲, 张静思*, 周翔, 叶蔚. 办公与住宅建筑人员空调器调控行为与能耗研究. 建筑热能通风空调. 2024. 录用待刊.

[4]何玲, 霍镜涛, 朱学锦, 朱喆, 叶蔚*, 张旭. 地下近邻平行精密恒温隧道间传热的模拟研究. 暖通空调. 2023, 53(12): 143-148.

[5]Sekhar, Chandra*; Guyot, Gaelle; Wargocki, Pawel; Raymer, Paul; Laverge Jelle; Ye, Wei; Karg, Rick. Ventilation, IEQ and sleep quality in bedrooms. ASHRAE Journal. 2023; 6: 38-41.

[6]陈泽安, 郭炜辰, 叶蔚*. 含横向射流污染源的狭长空间通风方案的比较研究. 建筑热能通风空调. 2022, 41(10): 61-65.

[7]张倩茹, 张旭*, 叶蔚, 高军. 基于污染气体释放特征的排污效率计算方法与工程应用. 暖通空调. 2021; 51(11): 81-88+120.

[8] 薛宇, 叶蔚, 赵文萱, 吴超, 张旭*. 含内热源大型不规则腔体高精度水循环控温方法研究. 制冷学报. 2021; 42(2): 100-106. (https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0253-4339.2021.02.100)

[9] 张倩茹, 张旭*, 叶蔚, 赵文萱, 职承强, 黄奕翔, 马进. 某制冷机房氨气泄漏时气流组织优化分析.制冷学报. 2021; 42(1): 36–44. (https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0253-4339.2021.01.036)

[10] 薛宇, 叶蔚*, 张旭. 地铁车厢内病原体佩戴口罩对飞沫病毒传播抑制效果的模拟研究. 建筑科学. 2020; 36(10): 114-118.


[11] Zhao, Wenxuan; Ye, Wei*; Xue, Yu; Wu, Chao; Zhang, Xu; Ventilation schemes for high-temperature buoyancy-driven plumes from spherical surfaces of a large-scale experimental facility. Energy and Built Environment. 2020; 1(3): 262-277. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbenv.2020.02.005)

[12] 赵文萱, 张旭*, 叶蔚, 吴超. 浸没发热球体冷冻水绕流作用下水体温度稳定性分析. 制冷学报. 2020; 41(1):  68-73. (https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0253-4339.2020.01.068)

[13] 汤晟怡, 叶蔚, 苏醒*, 张旭. 近零能耗居住建筑室内湿环境与新风量指标关联性探讨. 建筑科学. 2019; 35(10): 54-60. (https://doi.org/10.13614/j.cnki.11-1962/tu.2019.10.09)

[13] 王好, 叶蔚*, 高军, 张旭. 源于文献数据库的公共建筑室内空气污染特征分析及健康风险评价. 建筑科学. 2019; 35(2): 122-128+134.  (http://doi.org/10.13614/j.cnki.11-1962/tu.2019.02.20)

[14] 王好, 叶蔚, 高军*, 张旭. 我国学校建筑室内污染物数据库建立与评价. 建筑热能通风空调. 2019; 38(2): 37-41. (http://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-0344.2019.02.009)

[15] 蔡健, 叶蔚, 赵文瑄, 涂书阳, 张旭*. 冲击射流热防护缩尺试验及其可行性分析. 建筑环境与能源(2018第21届暖通空调制冷学术年会论文集). 2018; 10: 76-80.

[16] 谢玉良, 张旭*, 叶蔚, 邰彦寰. 狭长空间中部排风系统阻抗模拟及实验分析. 建筑热能通风空调. 2018; 37(1): 35-39. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-0344.2018.01.008)

[17] 涂书阳, 张旭*, 叶蔚. 双侧对流条件下平板热扩散特性及防护设计. 建筑热能通风空调. 2017; 36(12): 5-8+73. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-0344.2017.12.002)

[18] 王好, 叶蔚*, 高军, 张旭. 公共建筑室内空气污染物的数据库建立及评价. 建筑环境与能源(2017全国通风技术学术年会论文集). 2017; 05: 81-84.

[19] 孙永强*, 张宇明, 叶蔚. 封闭式地铁车辆检修库通风模式模拟比选研究. 暖通空调,2017; 47(5): 42-47.

[20] 王胜己*, 张旭, 叶蔚. 诱导风机消除危险气体排出死角的数值模拟. 建筑技术. 2016; 47(z1): 14-16. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-4726.2016.z1.005)

[21] 王胜己, 张旭*, 叶蔚危险气体散发量对诱导风机影响的模拟研究. 建筑热能通风空调. 2016; 35(12): 8-11. (https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-0344.2016.12.002)

[22] 叶蔚, 张旭*. 空调系统提前时间对建材VOC散发分布的影响. 建筑技术开发. 2016; 增刊(第二十届全国暖通空调制冷学术年会文集): 275-280.

[23] 邰彦寰, 张旭*, 叶蔚, 朱建章, 张亚静, 孙永强. 某地铁检修库不同通风模式研究. 建筑热能通风空调. 2016; 35(3): 82-85+59. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-0344.2016.03.022)

[24] 叶蔚*, 张旭. 控制室内建材散发VOC浓度分布的空调系统提前开启时间研究. 暖通空调. 2015; 45(8): 92-97. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-8501.2015.08.092)

[25] 单美群, 张旭*, 叶蔚. 顶部多开口隧道热压通风模拟研究. 建筑热能通风空调. 2014; 33(6): 51-54, 26.(http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-0344.2014.06.013)

[26] 叶蔚, 张旭*, 王军. 隧道路面通风除湿传质模型及经济性分析. 地下空间与工程学报, 2011; 7(4): 770-775. (CSCD: 4426596, http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1673-0836.2011.04.027)

[27] 张昌淋*, 张旭, 叶蔚. 公路隧道回旋通风实现方式研究. 建筑热能通风空调, 2011; 30(5): 98-100. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-0344.2011.05.026)

[28] 黄晓庆*, 张旭, 叶蔚. 撞击型雾化喷嘴流量特性及喷雾降温性能实验研究. 流体机械, 2011; 39(12): 54-56, 37. (CSCD: 4417390, http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1005-0329.2011.12.012)

[29] 叶蔚*, 张旭. 基于改进的CFK方程的隧道CO浓度限值的研究. 铁道标准设计, 2010增刊2(S2): 51-56. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1004-2954.2010.z2.016)

[30] 叶蔚*, 张旭, 王松庆, 孙胜男, 王军. 夏季不同冷水机组联合运行节能控制策略研究. 制冷技术, 2009; 29(1): 25-29.

[31] 田震*, 张旭, 黄晓庆, 叶蔚. 细水雾喷嘴流量特性及通风条件下降温试验研究. 建筑热能通风空调, 2013; 31(1): 1-4. (http://dx.doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-0344.2013.01.001)

D. 其他会议论文

[1]Zhang, Qianru; Zhang, Xu*; Ye, Wei; Liu, Li; Nielsen, Peter V. Experimental study of heavy contaminant gas distribution in a large space chamber. In: Electronical Proceedings of RoomVent & Ventilation 2018 (ISBN 978-952-5236-48-4). Espoo, Finland; 2018.06. p. 803–808.

[2]Ye, Wei; Zhang, Qianru; Wang, Shengji; Zhang, Xu*. Adjustable ventilation using induced jet fans for a multipurpose space. In: Electronical Proceedings of RoomVent & Ventilation 2018 (ISBN 978-952-5236-48-4). Espoo, Finland; 2018.06. p. 809–814.

[3]Ye, Wei*; Wang, Hao; Zhang, Xu. A preliminary discussion on ventilation rates for public buildings in China. In: Electronical Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Building Energy, Environment (COBEE 2018) (ISBN 978-0-646-98213-7). Melbourne, Australia; 2018.02. p17–21.

[4]Ye, Wei*, Zhang, Xu. A preliminary discussion on determining ventilation requirements for public buildings by compiling an indoor air pollutant database in China. In: Electronical Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2017 Europe (ISBN 978-83-7947-232-1). Lublin, Poland; 2017.07. ID0018.

[5]Ye, Wei*, Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu. Using the power-law model with short-term VOC emissions data from building materials to predict long-term emission characteristics. In: Electronical Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoor Air 2016) (ISBN 978-0-9846855-5-4). Ghent, Belgium; 2016.07. ID58.

[6]Tang, Shengyi; Ye, Wei*; Su, Xing; Zhang, Xu. Ventilation requirements related to non-healthy indoor humidity for nearly zero energy office buildings in China. In: Electronic Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2019 Asia (HB 2019 Asia) (no ISBN number). Changsha, Hunan, China; 2019.10. ID1367892.

[7] 汤晟怡, 叶蔚*, 苏醒, 张旭. 基于湿环境的高气密性住宅新风量指标探讨. 第九届中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会学术年会论文集(无刊号). 2019.05, 江苏南京. 无ID.

[8] 赵文萱, 薛宇, 叶蔚*, 吴超, 张旭*. 有机玻璃粘接工艺热羽流扩散和通风控温. 第九届中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会学术年会论文集(无刊号). 2019.05, 江苏南京. 无ID.

[9] Zhao, Wenxuan; Zhang, Xu*; Xu, Xinyue; Wu, Chao; Ye, Wei. Study on the air supply velocity’s cooling effect on the thermal bonding of organic glass - high heat flux surface. In: Electronical Proceedings of ASIM 2018: The 4th IBPSA Asia Conference. Hong Kong, China; 2018.12. ID446.

[10] 叶蔚*, 张旭, 王好. 民用建筑最小新风量指标几个问题的浅谈. 第21届暖通空调制冷学术年会论文集(无刊号). 2018.10, 河南三门峡. ID70.

[11] Zhang, Qianru; Zhang, Xu*; Ye, Wei; Liu, Li; Nielsen, Peter V. Experimental study of heavy contaminant gas distribution in a large space chamber. In: Electronical proceedings of RoomVent & Ventilation 2018. Espoo, Finland; 2018.06. p. 803-808.

[12] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Qianru; Wang, Shengji; Zhang, Xu*. Adjustable ventilation using induced jet fans for a multipurpose space. In: Electronical proceedings of RoomVent & Ventilation 2018. Espoo, Finland; 2018.06. p. 809-814.

[13] Ye, Wei*; Wang, Hao; Zhang, Xu. A preliminary discussion on ventilation rates for public buildings in China. In: Electronical proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Building Energy, Environment (COBEE 2018). Melbourne, Australia; 2018.02. p17-21.

[14] 王好, 叶蔚*, 高军, 张旭. 我国学校类建筑室内空气污染物筛选和人体健康评价. 第八届室内环境与健康分会学术年会(IEHB 2017)论文集. 2017.11, 重庆. L15.

[15] Ye, Wei*; Gao, Jun; Wang, Hao; Zhang, Xu. Linking ventilation rate requirements to indoor pollutant concentration data for urban residential buildings in China. In: Electronical proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2017). Ji'nan, China; 2017.10. ID811.

[16] Ye, Wei*; Zhang, Qianru; Xie, Yuliang; Cai, Jian; Li, Shifeng; Zhang, Xu. Experimental investigation on the performance of spray cooling on high temperature diesel exhaust using a nozzle array in a confined space. In: Electronical proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2017). Ji'nan, China; 2017.10. ID1435.

[17] Xie, Yuliang; Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu*. The effect of spray cooling in long and narrow space for two jet sources with intensive turbulence at 700 K. In: Electronical proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2017). Ji'nan, China; 2017.10. ID1475.

[18] Cai, Jian; Ye, Wei; Tu, Shuyang; Tian, Shaochen; Zhang, Xu*. Experimental investigation on thermal protection of high-temperature jet impinging a cross-shaped plate. In: Electronical proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2017). Ji'nan, China; 2017.10. ID1614.

[19] Ye, Wei*, Zhang, Xu. A preliminary discussion on determining ventilation requirements for public buildings by compiling an indoor air pollutant database in China. In: Electronical proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2017 Europe (ISBN: 978-83-7947-232-1). Lublin, Poland; 2017.07. ID0018

[20] Ye, Wei*, Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu. Modelling long-term VOC emissions from building materials using an exponential model with short-term emission data. In: Proceedings of the 9th international conference on indoor air quality, ventilation & energy conservation in buildings (IAQVEC 2016). Incheon Songdo, Republic of Korea; 2016.10. ID1023.

[21] Ye, Wei*, Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu. Using the power-law model with short-term VOC emissions data from building materials to predict long-term emission characteristics. In: Electronical proceedings of the 14th international conference of indoor air quality and climate (Indoor Air 2016) (ISBN: 978-0-9846855-5-4). Ghent, Belgium; 2016.07. ID58.

[22] Ye, Wei; Zhang, Xu*; 空调系统提前时间对建材VOC散发分布的影响. 2015全国通风技术学术年会论文集. 成都; 2015.08. p. 144-148.

[23] Ye, Wei*, Won, Doyun; Zhang, Xu. A simple VOC prioritization method to determine ventilation rate for indoor environment based on building material emissions. In: Proceedings of ISHVAC-COBEE 2015. Tianjin, China; 2015.07. p. T4-772.

[24] 叶蔚*, 张旭. 一种极端条件建材VOC散发模型关键参数拟合法. 第十九届全国暖通空调制冷学术年会论文集(无刊号). 2014.10, 天津. p. 191.

[25] Zhang, Xu*; Ye, Wei; Won, Doyun; Yuan, Yuan. A preliminary ventilation rate study for residential buildings and offices based on VOC emission database. 2014 YSRIM International Conference (无刊号), 2014.02, Busan, Korea. p. 79-86.

[26] 叶蔚*, 张旭. 一种极端条件建材VOC散发模型关键参数估计法. 上海市制冷学会2013年学术年会(无刊号), 2013.12, 上海. p. 455-460.

[27] 杨德润*, 张旭, 周翔, 叶蔚. 加强室内空气循环改善空调采暖房间温度分层实验研究. 第十八届全国暖通空调制冷学术年会论文集(无刊号), 2012.10, 山东烟台.

[28] 叶蔚*, 张旭. 射流风机纵向通风隧道怠速运营CO浓度限值讨论. 上海市制冷学会2011年学术年会(无刊号), 2011.12, 上海. p. 390-395.

[29] 叶蔚*, 张旭. 射流风机纵向通风隧道怠速运营CO浓度限值讨论. 2011中国制冷学会学术年会论文集(无刊号), 2011.10, 江苏南京.

[30] 叶蔚*, 张旭. 基于改进的CFK方程的隧道半横向通风CO浓度限值的讨论. 第十七届全国暖通空调制冷学术年会(无刊号), 2010.11, 浙江杭州. p. 73.

[31] 叶蔚*, 张旭. 不同运营工况下隧道CO设计浓度限值的讨论. 第六届全国制冷空调新技术研讨会论文集(无刊号), 2010.08, 湖北武汉.

[32] 叶蔚*, 张旭, 王松庆, 孙胜男, 王军. 夏季复合式冷水机组联合运行节能控制策略研究. 上海市制冷学会2009年学术年会论文集(无刊号), 2009.12, 上海. p. 299-303.


[1] 叶蔚张旭曾令杰等. XXXX热环境及通风系统测试报告, 2015.06.

[2] 叶蔚邰彦寰张旭上海金桥停车场板下大库不同通风方案室内风场模拟报告, 2015.01.

[3] John C. Little, Charles E. Frazier, Wei Ye, Xiaomin Zhao and Steven S. Cox. Developing a reference material for formaldehyde emissions testing. 2013.09.

[4] 叶蔚张旭孙永强黄晓庆XXXX通风系统数值模拟研究报告. 2010.12.

[5] 叶蔚张旭等XXXX通风系统及环境测试报告. 2010.07.

[6] 叶蔚张旭某圆筒换热器模拟研究报告. 2010.03.


[1] 发明专利申请3项

[2] 实用新型申请1项


[1] 叶蔚, 黄奕翔, 职承强, 陈泽安, 张旭. 有限空间中喷雾降温潜力动态分析软件V1.0, 登记号: 2020SR1023152.

[2] 叶蔚, 职承强, 陈泽安, 高军, 张旭. 大空间污染物散发与控制动态分析软件V1.0, 登记号: 2020SR1023238.

[3] 叶蔚, 陈泽安, 高军, 张旭. 装饰装修材料挥发性有机物散发模型长期预测有效性分析软件V1.0, 登记号: 2020SR1023270.

[4] 叶蔚, 陈泽安, 高军, 张旭. 装饰装修材料挥发性有机物散发计算模型库V1.0, 登记号: 2020SR1023277.

[5] 叶蔚, 职承强, 黄奕翔, 陈泽安, 蔡健, 张旭. 高温烟气冲击下围护结构隔热防护效果动态分析软件V1.0, 登记号: 2020SR1026537.

[6] 叶蔚, 赵文萱, 张旭. 基于改进的CFK方程的隧道CO浓度限值计算软件V1.0, 登记号: 2019SR0347654.

[7] 叶蔚, 赵文萱, 张旭. 隧道路面施工阶段积水通风除湿计算软件V1.0, 登记号: 2019SR0346747.

[8] 叶蔚, 赵文萱, 高军, 张旭. 用于FLUENT用户自定义函数程序的自动生成软件V1.0, 登记号: 2019SR0001381.


[1] T/SHGBC 000001-2019 上海市绿色建筑协会团体标准: 健康建筑评价标准. 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社, 2019.

[2] JG/T 527-2017 中华人民共和国建筑工业产品行业标准: 木制品甲醛和挥发性有机物释放率测试方法—大型测试舱法. 北京: 中国标准出版社, 2017.

[3] T/CAQI 27-2017 中国质量检测协会团体标准: 中小学教室空气质量规范. 北京: 中国标准出版社, 2017.

[4] T/CAQI 30-2017 中国质量检测协会团体标准: 中小学新风净化系统技术规程. 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2017.


A. 客座编辑

[1] Indoor and Built Environment: Volume 27, Issue 2, Special Issue on Ventilation 2015, 2015.10-2017.02.

[2] International Journal of Ventilation: Volume 16, Issue 3, Special Issue on 11th International Conference on Industrial Ventilation, 26-28th October 2015, Shanghai, China, 2015.10-2017.04.

B. 通讯评审

[1] 国家自然科学基金通讯评审人

[2] 30个中英文期刊通讯审稿人


[1] 2019.08 - 2022.06: 同济大学机械与能源工程学院18级建环班, 班主任.

[2] 2018.09 - 2019.07: 同济大学新生院18级工科试验班8班, 班主任.

[3] 2008.09 - 2011.05: 同济大学第二十届研究生会干事、副主席、主席.

[4] 2010.12 - 2011.12: 共青团中央第四期全国大学生骨干培训班成员,六班班长.

[5] 2010.06 - 2012.06: 同济大学机械与能源工程学院热能暖通博士班班长.

[6] 2004.08 - 2007.04: 东华大学环境科学与工程学院学生会干事、副主席、主席.

[7] 2004.08 - 2005.06: 东华大学环境科学与工程学院建环0403班班长.

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